

Don't loose yourself!

I can never forget the joyous days of my childhood, especially the summer, when all we did was swim in the river or lie on it's edge, and were certainly not bound to any time checks, it seemed that the day would never get over, it was blissful to a lateral level altogether. Life meant to be incredibly simple and unskeptical to the core, apart from a few reprimands, which we managed getting from our teachers and parents, and that indeed, was to bring in. the best of us. Nature used to be our desirable cosmopolis, as in settling down with the flaura and fauna, our observations were so microscopic, that we managed analysing bizzare things, which can be as simple as a crawling centipede or a caterpillar getting stuck, and we would either be laughing it out loud, by slowly distracting the insect with a leaf, or by observing their behaviour, and trying to be empathetic about it, and of course distracting was not a very ideal thing to do, but still, it was justified with an innocent mind, since our minds were programmed in such a way, that we would never harm any living beings. We felt like conversing with nature, and their tiny families, as in actually embracing their presence, along with our fellow human beings. We had minimal resources in terms of availability, but never exercised a sense of dissatisfaction or disagreement, and it was not because, we were forced to agree or live with it, instead we were genuinely contended and thankful enough to our parents and almighty, to let something happen to us, which was life indeed. We obeyed people around us, out of affection and respect, irrespective of the fact of being cursed or jilted at times. We took everything so positively, that hatred and beration would never cross our mind.
We always embarked on something, which already existed, thereby being optimal to the best, and can incredibly narrate on and on............

It's been 30 years now, I would not say, there has been a paradigm shift, infact I would rather say, nothing has changed, apart from the way, we look and perceive things, and it's that perception, which affects, and it infact comprises a gamut of beliefs, mindsets, idealogies, mental blocks, and numerous things, which a human being can't even literally perceive in a lifetime. It's difficult to even imagine the cluster of things, which revolves around our mind these days, but it's very easy to get those into action, which might be even ruining our senses of humanity, compassion, selflessness, forgiveness, and last but not the least " It's our peace which is getting impacted, and it's we who are allowing that to run down at the speed of light". Our minds are trying their best to be fair to us, but we somehow are letting them overrule us, because our demands are more, and complaints are not even relative, we want to be successful in no time, and all of these things are certainly not wrong, it's definitely bound by aspirations and desires, and that's your right, but it shouldn't be so limitless, that you loose your self amidst all of these, because whatever you desire or aspire, you'r life would not be multiplying itself to several other lives in one birth.
Henceforth, all of these are very generalistic in nature, at the end of day, it's our lives, let's do phenomenally great for ourselves, and at the same time, let's be courteous, thankful, grateful, and a little forgiving to people around, and respectful towards our almighty and parents, who created and embraced us.

Eventually, success is remarkable, however if you are still able to trace your own self in a similar way, as you would use to thirty years back, then that success would be stupendous and indeed beautiful!

© Shirsendu Mukherjee!
© shish