

Sometimes when I fall I cry
Sometimes when Failure hit me i feel like hitting myself hard.
I never knew I was wrong feeling that way
I never knew I could stand up without crying 😢 even when I fall or even when people mock me.

I never knew I could hit back what failure 😣 did to me by standing firm and learning from the previous mistake that lead to my failure 😣.
Sometimes we get confuse 😕
Sometimes we wish to get the purpose of anything right
and sometime we forget we Need to fall and fail to get the purpose fulfilled.
But the most important key 🔑 is not forgetting to stand up back when life knocks us down with different problems.

We are all here searching for what our life is oppose to be.
We have this beautiful purpose,
A purpose unlike no other,
Through our abilities,
We keep searching for the path,
The path we want and desire,
It is not without trials,
We find why we are here,
Through the light,
And through the darkness,
We will find out, Why we are here,
It will be difficult, But it will be rewarding,
Because we know why we are here,
And there is nothing that can stop us.

Finding the absolute purpose of my life.
Just as important with finding what we are meant to do, we must know our purpose to why we are here and what kind of an impact we can have for this world. We often go through struggling in life trying to seek what appears to be what we want, but in reality is often not the case or in our favor. Whatever life calls upon you, seek it for all your efforts because one of the most rewarding things about life is finding why we are here in the first place.
We live in this beautiful world for a core purpose that can shine a gleamer of light forms our potential lives. With that being said, our faith can be created when we question ourselves in why we’re here in this world by evaluating where we are. Keep the faith and acknowledge to your self that you have a destiny that is worth for filling no matter what people say. Learn to understand people will question your actions, but it’s completely normal. What’s more important in your life is finding yourself and knowing what’s possible for your amazing life.

Seek the purpose. Find what is possible. Capture it for all you can.

You were born for a purpose
You are here on purpose
When life knocks you down
Remember your purpose…

