

Note On Memories
In the corners of your mind, there are smiles and memories that you cannot just leave behind, that you cannot just forget.

These memories have been etched in your mind, and inscribed in your brain. You draw inspiration from them, and look forward to recreating them.

These memories put a smile on your face whenever you recollect or remember them, emotions gush through your veins whenever you think of them, and sometimes you shed tears of joy when a thought of it flicker on your mind.

These memories aren't always pleasant, some make us weep bitter tears, because of their content, while some give us nightmares.

The fact remains that, these memories are ours, it's part of us and we can't do without them, we can't avoid them, but we can only accept them.

We can’t always choose our memories and experiences, but we can always control our reactions to them.
© Toobrightanthony