

One of My PREVIOUS Story I talked about THE NITPICKING

The next question becomes, how to stop judging others all the time?

Living a judgment-free life can be achieved through the practice of acceptance. Accepting yourself unconditionally will do wonders for your self-esteem and relationships. It needs to be said that judging is also not a matter of discerning right and wrong. Rather, it is looking upon someone in an unloving way and deciding they are less than we are. And so, since we judge without thinking, we must think not to judge
The habit of criticizing other people for what they lack is not healthy. If you think you are already developing this kind of habit, do something to overcome it before it affects your life and the lives of other people.

Here is a few tips to follow on how to stop judging others

1. Understanding: Try to understand where this person is coming from, her whole story, and listen. That person who made a remark you didn’t like might have a story to tell.
For example, I met a beautiful young girl. She came to church dressed like someone going to clean a store, while I and other members were discussing the matter of why she will wear such a dress. I approached her and asked why she was looking that way. She started crying and said her aunt she's staying with tore all her cloth because she did want her to attend church. Understanding and listening to the whole story behind someone’s opinions or actions can help us understand them, even if we still don’t agree.
Don't let appearance deceive you. Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly.

Appearance is the first thing that can deceive. We often don't realize that when we meet someone, we are seeing that person in a fraction of their life. The way they look - whether it is amazingly dressed up or tired with messy hair - is not representative of their person as a whole.

2. Acceptance: Try to accept people as they are and not in terms of whom you want them to be. This simple act alone will lighten your burden, because when you allow people to be themselves you give yourself that same permission and freedom. You relax and enjoy people and become more accepting of differences.

3. Realize that people are complex
Keep in mind that everyone you meet has a life before you. They went through experiences that you might never even have imagined, be it good or bad. The truth is, people can surprise you.

4. Realize that everyone knows something that you don't.
Not only is that but there is always something you can learn from the other person. That's why the next thing to keep in mind is that everyone knows something you don't. You are not smarter. And neither are you any less smart than people around you. Your knowledge is simply different.
It is a good thought of love, to stop judging others, Jesus commanded us in Matthew chapter 7:1–5 that we need to start judging yourself before pointing fingers to others. We can do this by obeying every command of Jesus.

Remember that none of us is perfect, but if I start by judging myself, I will help others in love because I understand what they are going through. The point here is to help others grow spiritually as we grow also.
Lower your expectations of what you expect of people, and you'll have a ton of surprises in life that you didn't expect.

5. Mind your own business and shut your mouth
Being judgmental will drain your time, energy, and productivity. You will have less quality time to spend with your loved ones, studies, career, or business. Do not sacrifice your time with that habit just to get some comfort or entertainment. Remember that it comes with a price. Hence, spend your time and energy wisely. Watch what you say. You don’t have to talk anytime you see something .Better still keep a level eye.

6. Don’t forget about Compassion- To be compassionate is to feel deeply for another person as they experience the ups and downs associated with life. To be compassionate is to not just tell someone that you care, but also to show them that you care by being there before they even ask for it.
Compassion is like the medicine that helps you resist the urge to judge and criticize you should also imagine what problems and challenges of life other people may experience. These traits will make you a wise, noble and wonderful person.

If you continue judging others, consequently, you may lose friends, even relationships, happiness, peace and respect.
Try to understand that you're not perfect.
All beings live on the same planet, breathe in oxygen and have the same physical structure of the body. If you admit this truth. You’ll have a chance to persuade yourself that judging others is a bad habit.
I've experienced the problem of judgment. It is a heavy burden. But now I feel the benefits in both my body and mind. If you want to feel light like a feather, you should follow these tips on how to stop judging others.

Remember that there’s ALWAYS something positive you can find in other people, and when you focus on the positive, amazing things start unfolding…

Remember that every time you judge someone else, you reveal an unhealed part of yourself. This is why it is so important to learn how to be less judgmental of others and to cultivate a non-judgmental attitude.
We should stop being judgmental toward others to stop spreading hate and negativity in this world. We can do it by showing humility, kindness, and compassion to other people.
1. Pray for anyone that irritates you and push the irritation out of your mind.
2. Think of the person as a child of God. Remind yourself that God loves them as much as he loves you.
3. See Jesus Christ in everyone you meet. “Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of mine, even the least of them, you did it to me.” (Matt 25:40)

Thanks for Reading .GOD BLESS YOU

© feliinspiremyworld
