

I forget
If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be? Write a story on it.

I thought about this for a while. When I was younger I would probably say some materialistic thing, and a year or two ago I would probably say my childhood. But if I changed my childhood or the way I grew up I wouldn't be me. At this moment, or current state of mind I would want to change one thing for myself. That thing is a feeling. I would want to change the feeling I have recently been having that is, not being good at anything. I know it's selfish but I can't erase the fact that if I were to beat somebody at something their good at it would make me happy. Recently I have been having a mood that's just not at all good in any way. I've felt like I've been losing a battle that doesn't exist, a battle that's only in my mind. I know there's things I'm good at and things I excel at, but when I keep getting beat at something over and over again I forget everything that I am or once was good at and start thinking I am and never was good at anything.
© Caitlin