

Forbidden love
The melting ray felt so warm on her soft skin as she stood by the balcony watching the sun rise across the eastern sky. The winds greeted her cooly with their breeze as she sipped her morning coffee. Jenna was fair skinned, long black hair and had many talents and a charm that drew many to her. Born in a family of three, Jenna was the last of the three siblings. She worked as a teacher in a public school and when she walked into the school, all eyes would rest on her.
As she got ready to leave her apartment, she checked to see if she had everything in order. Racing with time she made her way to school. As she was entering the gate, a familiar figure stood by the entrance of the hallway. Jenna thought she had seen a ghost. Her legs could not hold her weight any longer. She was lost for words. Michael smiled as he walked towards her. Michael was Jenna's first love, the one guy who gave her butterflies and left her without a trace. Six years had passed since they last saw each other. He had left to pursue his dream in other country. Michael was tall and handsome, had smooth black hair and a smile that could blow your mind. As he came closer. Jenna's thoughts kept racing, part of her wanted to run away, part of her didn't want to.
She could hear her own heart, beating like a drum. Michael stood before Jenna. Jenna couldn't even speak for a second. It was as if she had lost her ability to speak.
"It's so good to see you, after so long and I know I don't have any right to show up uninvited." As Michael kept talking, Jenna summoned all the courage she had and walked away from Michael. Michael was dumbfounded. He knew that she had probably moved on.
As Jenna walked away, tears streamed down like pouring rain. Jenna's day had gone from good to bad. She had forgotten about Michael and remembering him brought many painful memories. Seeing him there was worse than facing death.
Jenna had a long day at school and every minute felt like forever. All she wanted to do was go home and lock herself in the room and not have anything to do with Michael. Michael had hurt her badly six years ago and that scar was too deep. When he left without telling her. Jenna waited but later found out that he had found someone else that's why he left. When she heard about it, her whole world crashed and it took a three good years to get her back on her feet.
The bell rang and classes were dismissed. Jenna called Ken her elder brother and he picked her up from school. When Jenna told him about Michael, he was upset. Seeing his younger and only sister in that state, that made him furious. He never wanted to see his sister hurt. They both rode in total silence till they reached home. Jenna went straight up to her room. Whilst Ken walked into the kitchen with the groceries. Mom was preparing dinner but she must have noticed the look on Jenna's face.
"Is everything alright son? Your sister doesn't look too good." Mom asked Ken as he finish unloading the groceries. "Oh, Michael showed up at school today, that's why Jenna's not happy. She's been crying since morning" Mom dropped the kitchen knife and looked at Ken. Just then the door bell rang. Ivan who was watching TV went to see who was at the door. Then returned with a visitor. Mom and Ken turned to look as Ivan called out to them. Michael greeted them both and sat in the living room and chatted about a lot of things while dinner was being prepared. Just then Jenna had showered, changed and walked into the living room. Seeing Michael in the living room she couldn't take it any more. She walked straight to Michael and asked him to leave. Ivan didn't understand what was going on. "Jenna please, listen to me first. I'm sorry I caused you pain". Before he could finish, Jenna threw a fist at him which got him by surprised. Michael stood there looking so miserable as Jenna spoke, "When you left, you closed the door to my heart, I don't want to go back to that place. Why'd you come back? Please leave!" With that she turned and ran upstairs. Michael didn't want to leave but he did.
Two years passed and the two never saw each other again. Jenna left teaching because she became ill. She only stayed home and looked after her mom's bookshop. One evening while she was dusting the shelves, Michael came into the bookshop. He barely recognised Jenna as she had grown much thinner and paler. Just as he passed her, he noticed a chain necklace he had once given to her 8 years ago. Michael turned and looked at Jenna. He couldn't believe his eyes that the frail girl who stood before him was the girl who he had loved before. He stood muted.She kindly greeted him and they talked for a while and he left. Days passed and he often visited the bookshop or would take Jenna out for lunch or even dinner. Little did he know that Jenna was dying. She never told him. Only said she was tired whenever he asked. One morning as he came in, She was putting the books on the shelves. She smiled and walked to the counter. Before she could reach the counter, her legs gave way and she collapsed. When she opened her eyes, she was in an hospital bed. Mom, Ken and Ivan had arrived and were waiting outside. Just then the doctor came back with the test results. The three were stunned when they realised who had stood before them.
Michael smiled at the three and greeted them. "I have good news and some bad news. The good news is that she is ok and is resting. The bad news is that she has cancer and she might not make it. She's been suffering from it for a long time." After talking to them, Michael left and they went in to see her. Michael returned to his office and shut the door and wept. He couldn't believe that she was dying and there was nothing he could do to save her. All these years after pursuing his dream and chasing women he finally realised that she was the one and just when she had finally come to open up to him and he was losing her again.
Every day he spend some time with her, and each day became tormenting. He couldn't bear to see her grow weak and struggle to fight back.Mom, Ivan and Ken visited every day. Every day with her meant a lot to everyone especially Ken. It was depressing seeing her like that. Time was running out and every single minute was precious.
Jenna asked mom to bring her note book, so mom brought it in the evening. She talked with them and rested for a while. After a while Michael came in to check on her. Her pulse had been slowing down and she was finally slipping. Everyone left to give them both their last time together. Jenna looked at Michael and smiled as tears slowly ran down on the side of her face. He held her hand and sat by her side he too had tears streaming down. He knew this was the last time and it was time to say goodbye. Jenna marked a page and handed the note book to Michael. She said her final goodbye and closed her eyes. Michael cried as he held her in his arms. Jenna died after battling cancer and she was buried at her own home, near her father's grave. Michael had transferred to another country and everyone went ahead with living their lives. One morning while Michael was sitting on his balcony watching the sun rise he remembered the note book and took it out to read. As he flip the page to where it had been marked, he saw this.

Forbidden love
You were my knight in shining armour
A love I once knew back then.
I travelled far and near
spoke words that only the heart felt.
I loved you beyond time and space
Yet in reality it could never be.
In my dreams there I lay in your arms
safe from this world, where pain no longer existed
You were my dream I chased for many years
Now this dream I put to rest.
I bury beneath my tears the love I once knew.
if time could let me live again.
This love has died a thousand times.
Forget me now, and live your life in freedom
For this heart sees no sunsets nor sunrises
but a curse that comes with this forbidden love.