

I feel like that people sometimes forget that it's the smallest things in life that can make a hugh difference in another persons life, the most simple gesture, like a kind word out of nowhere to someone we may not even know, or a phone call just to let a loved one you are thinking of them on this day, its those things I pray that the ones who need it, receive it on this Thanksgiving Day. I pray that family get together and celebrate and spend much needed time together and realize life is too short and stop taking for granted that they will be here in the next holiday, cause that's not always true. Just think of your family and friends dear to you,not just today but everyday that comes and goes. Cause tomorrow isn't promised and nobody really knows. My Thanksgiving Pray is to my family that know who they are, and my beautiful mom in the heavens afar, I miss you today and I am thinking of you, so thru you I send love to everyone out there and pray they are safe and at peace in all they do....
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