

when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon, he said, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”he was all there nobody else on the moon, and he knew this change was inevitable. In your sickness, only you realised you were so beautifull, innocent, admirable and intelligent, but the world needs you to make a change and once it's done, you have all glasses clinging around in admiration, you are popular, you made it, you are successful and your interesting and attractive. Professionals built the arc, but the amateurs built the titanic. Nobody remembers those professionals and the amateurs what's remembered is the change, it's all about the change you make, some might hate you, some may leave you too. Some might stay, yet never know you. but the change remains and keeps the harmony and you can play your nostalgic ballads in closed doors, and wink smart and strong facing the mirrors in your washroom.Learn from the steps not from your instincts. Instincts are cruel. Change, coz nobody likes your sickness, however beautiful you are.