

A Poet
What you write O poet in your book
When once you didn't even look
At that old beggar across the street
Whose life poetry shook

He was a poet one of a kind
Words entwined in his mind
Like a river his verses would flow
And an applause they would find

Then one day he began to write
About a maiden and her kite
The kite would always circle her
She would smile at its sight

What beauty was this he thought
The sight that a bird had sought
The friendship of the maiden sweet
Their souls were tied in a knot

He wrote his best verses as ode
An no little detail did he erode
And tied his words in such a charm
That their union no ill would bode

And as the story spread far away
Across the lands and across the bay
All the world was filled with awe
Of kite and and the maiden's way

A mighty king of a far away land
Who had a kingdom ever so grand
Heard of the story and in love did fall
What if by his side she would stand

What beauty would the maiden hold
Even beasts whose love could behold
To woo her was all he would think
Everytime the poetry would unfold

He sent his word to the maiden
In a hope her heart to win
The maiden said the kite was home
To leave it alone would be a sin

To please the maiden whom he adored
A solution the king proposed
A golden cage he would build
A palace for the kite who soared

And so the maiden became a queen
Among the riches she had never seen
The kite was put in the golden cage
To live there he wasn't keen

The king knew the conquest of a girl
The maiden knew what riches would unfurl
But only the pure heart of a beast
Was precious than all jewels and pearl

As time passes by the kite fell ill
His zeal to freedom no gold could fill
The Queen tried to reason but Alas!
Her unreasonableness had broken his will

What had she done, she couldn't bear
It was unbearable that he wasn't there
Madness ate her until it came
In Lonliness she passed for a crown to wear

The King's lament was quite brief
The poem he thought caused all the grief
So banished he did any word of it
Asked the poet to turn another leaf

But what a sadness did the poet meet
For his words made the story complete
He gave up his poetry, his reason to be
Then in sorrow begged across the street
© raaifshah