

In the woods
Many years ago there was a village that possibly couldn't have been more happy and prosperous after taking so long they had finally found the perfect place to begin building their legacy.

However many people questioned to the village leader about the woods that was in just across from the village the children loved to play in the fields in front of the woods.

But the parents of the children seen it as a bad idea as predators could possibly put the children at harm. However the village leader didn't listen to the parents and the field in front of the woods remained available.

However one dark night in the fields alone there was a little girl named Bailey now Bailey was quite the outcasts compared to the other children so she would always come to the fields alone at night.

And it seemed like one of Bailey's normal nights she was sitting in the field right in front of the forest playing with her little white stuffed rabbit and she was for once having fun in her own little world until there was a light rustling. Sound in a Bush in front of her.

She looked up quickly at where the sound was coming from looking right at the Bush taking little fearful breaths as she hears a voice come from the Bush saying.

"We'll hello there little one what are you doing out here all by yourself you know it can be very dangerous to be out here alone."

The voice in the Bush says with a rather soft nice tone seeming completely harmless to Bailey so she begins getting closer saying to the voice.

"Uh..hi there i was just coming out here to play with Mr Whiskers because my mom and dad won't let me play with the other kid's so i sneak out. What are you doing out here?"

Bailey says with such a innocent tone truly wondering what this voice is doing out here all by themselves like she is. But as Bailey is closer now the rustling in the bushes gets closer also as the voice goes silent for a while. Before saying with a more darker tone.

"Oh i see that's a very cute little toy you have there what's his name again...Oh right Mr Whiskers. And that's not very nice of you're mom and dad not to let you play with the other....Children i am very lonely as We'll there's no one like me in the woods maybe....We can be friend's?"

The voice says with a soft yet much more darker tone as Bailey listens to the voice seeming to get pretty sad. Hearing that the voice was lonely as she moves even closer sitting infront of the Bush before saying.

"Well thank you i love Mr whiskers alot he always knows how to keep me happy no matter what. And yeah i guess so but my mom and dad say it's for my own good. So i do it but i guess you are kinda right. And yeah i guess so let's be friends can i see you?"

Bailey says with the same cheerful happy go lucky tone so happy that she finally had a friend. However she was quite curious as to what her friend looked like. As the Bush rustles a bit more aggressively. As the voice says with a very soft tone.

"You're very welcome it's nice to meet someone who has good manners and i can see that....Mr Whiskers seems to make you very happy. And of course i am right you should be able to be friends with anyone you want to. And....Thank you for being my friend. And....I suppose you can see me just come a little closer."

The voice says with a soft tone though it's dark presence still looming as Bailey listens to the voice starting to reach her hand out. As she reaches touching the Bush as everything goes silent as she feels fur and sharp teeth. As red eyes begin looking through the Bush as the voice yells out.


The voice says before a slim brown furred monster explodes from the Bush. Looking at Bailey as she is frozen in fear as the creature ferociously. bites into her arm as loud screams could be heard before she is dragged away into the forest.

The next morning Bailey's parents couldn't find Bailey and we're worried sick and they ended up. Getting other villagers together to go look for her.

The search was long and hard they couldn't find anything until they found something. A small carcass along with a bloody message written on a cave wall It reads.


After the incident the villagers and Village leader decided this place was infested by a evil they were not prepared for. And so they left to find a new home.

But let this be a message no matter how great somewhere may seem there's always something in the woods.

© You Wanna Balloon

(Inspired slightly by Stephen king's IT in case you were wondering.)

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