

Family Matters (Part One)
I was Jenna's boyfriend. She was 9 months pregnant with my daughter. One night,we were both watching TV at my apartment when her water broke. We immediately got dressed and went to get a cab to the hospital. She stood outside the apartment building in pain as I ran up and down trying to get a cab,but they drove past me. I couldn't wait any longer,so I picked Jenna up and started carrying her to the hospital.

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me,only stopping when crossing the road. People looked at me as I ran past them,carrying a pregnant woman in my arms. We finally arrived at the hospital,where I put Jenna in a wheelchair and the doctors took her to her room. I passed out from all the stress of my daughter about to be born. When I woke up,I was in Jenna's room. I forgot about what happened when I saw that she was holding our daughter. I smiled and walked over to her. I gently took my sleeping baby from Jenna's arms and held her as she cooed. She grabbed my finger and closed her eyes before falling asleep. I slowly handed her back to her mother so she could sleep properly. I kissed Jenna on the forehead and smiled again. It was the best moment of my life. Just then the doctor walked in to check up on us.

"Glad to see you're awake,you hit your head pretty hard when you passed out." she said and wrote something on the clipboard at the end of Jenna's bed. "Yeah,thanks for everything,Doc. We owe you one." "Don't be silly,I was just doing my job." she replied and laughed. She walked over to Jenna and looked at the sleeping baby. "She's beautiful." she said, smiling. She then asked if we needed anything else. We said no and thanked her again for helping us before she left again. I then decided to call my mom and dad to tell them about the good news. I video called them and told them that I'm a dad.

"That's amazing,honey!" my mom exclaimed with joy. "Is it a boy or a girl?" my dad asked. "Girl. I'll let you see her in a moment and pointed the phone towards Jenna holding our baby. My mom's expression changed from one of joy to one of disgust. "So she's the mother." She said looking at Jenna. "What do you mean 'shes the mother'?" I asked and noticed Jenna's expression change too. She was hurt by what my mother said. "You know we have history with that family,yo u know what they did to us,but here you are having a baby with her." my mom replied. "I'm not gonna leave her and make her a single mother. I love her and my daughter,that's the end of it." I said, feeling myself getting upset. "But we said-" "But nothing,mom. That's my fiance,and that's my daughter. Your granddaughter." I continued,but Jenna stopped me and asked "Fiance?" I looked back and smiled before calling the doctor to hold my phone before getting down on one knee and taking out a ring. "That reminds me; Jenna,the love of my life, I'm so glad that you're the mother of my child,and I can't wait to start a life with you. Will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?" I asked, waiting for her to answer. "Yes,yes I will!" she shouted and started crying. I got up,put the ring on her finger and kissed her. I heard clapping so I looked back and saw that a few nurses and another doctor were watching my proposal. "Congrats." our doctor said and I took my phone back from her before speaking to my parents again.

"Now it's official. Jenna is family now. If you can't show her the respect she deserves,I'll have no problem removing you from mine and Ellie's lives." I said before Jenna stopped me again. "Ellie? You chose her name already?" "It's just a suggestion,we can still decide on another name for her." I replied but Jenna said it's ok because she likes it. "It's perfect. Our little Ellie." she said and smiled, looking down at our baby. "It's getting late,we should sleep for a bit. And Mom,please respect my wishes. I love Jenna, she's the mother of my child. I don't want Ellie to grow up without knowing her grandparents,so don't let past situations affect our future." I said. My mom looked away, disappointed. "Alright,son. Goodnight." my dad said and ended the call. I looked up from my phone and remembered that I told the doctor to wait for me because I needed to ask her something.

"So Doc,we can't thank you enough for everything you've done for using these few hours,so as my thank you,I want to personally invite you to our wedding." "Oh no,I couldn't- " she replied but I cut her off. "Please Doc. We're gonna need someone to watch Ellie anyway,I doubt my parents are coming. Please?" She was hesitant but agreed. "Of course. I get to see that little cutie again,so yes,I'll come." "Thanks Doc. We'll let you know about the details about a week before the wedding. " "No problem.I think it's time for little Ellie to get back to her nice bed." she said and gently picked Ellie up from Jenna before taking her back to the nursery. I kissed Jenna and we had a small conversation about what happened with my parents,and what will happen with her and her parents. After about an hour of chatting,I sat down in the lounge chair and fell asleep.

The next morning when I woke up, Jenna was still sleeping. I kissed her forehead before leaving to get something to eat. I bought coffee for me and hot chocolate for Jenna,along with 2 muffins. When I got back, Jenna was waking up. I walked over to her and kissed her before handing her a muffin and her hot chocolate. We were chatting and eating when the doctor came in to tell us that Jenna's parents were here to see the baby. She went to fetch Ellie for us and then let the receptionist know to sen d Jenna's parents to our room. They were not happy to see me there with Jenna.