

vission of Sex (episode4)
A day in your life he decides to cook a bowl of noodles for you. Such a lovely day, sun shines at its best with slight cool breeze in the room as if it’s been raining somewhere far but the mist is still flying around in the air. You come out of your bath and feel the beautiful fragrance of flavors all in the home. You are now restless and surprisingly found him cooking for you. Now that’s some surprise yeah. Such an unexpected gift. He is wearing such a cute little underwear, a black one. And the sunshine reflecting on his fair body makes his underwear shine and you start feeling that lustful vibes in your blood flowing through your blood all over the body. You go and hug him from back. Can’t really hold yourself back seeing such a sexy Zeus cooking for his QUEEN. You put a soft kiss on his neck and bite the lobes of his ears and gradually suck in the whole ear. And that kinky feel for him is now awaken and you shine too. A soft kiss, sucking each other’s lips so gently and tightly as if it’s not the home you live in, it’s the paradise of happiness. You taunt him and give a soft press to his lemons and caress his charming dagger. Such a teaser and he is already erect and ready for an investigation. Oh my god what was that. You really did that! Yes, you did. Wasn’t that an amazing sex in the kitchen! Wasn’t it! I guess it was.
You don’t need an occasion for having sex, you don’t need a vacation to have sex. All you need is the passion for it.
A passion that can make you feel so different. Sex is not about a naked body my friend. I find it very typical and disheartening when sex becomes just a theory that symbolizes an act of sexual activity. Sex has become something that makes us feel ashamed when we talk about it or discuss about it. Every woman has got the same physical attributes and every man has go the same. Be we in any part or in any corner of this world we are all same when we are naked. It’s nothing new for me to see you naked nor is it very shameful for you to see me without clothes. My soul will always accep you the way god has created you. Because my soul is as naked as yours. Sex is not about being naked or comparing the skin color or the size. Maybe we are far away from each other but when we meet, let me tell you my friend I will care about no shame while jumping in to the pool naked with you or sharing a few drinks. Let’s discover the greater spectrum of the blessed feeling of SEX.

© hulkforever