

8th grade changed everything part 2
I assumed everything would be different between me, Rileey, and my all time Riley Moore.
I was hoping that we would end up being friends. He would take a chance and say Hi at school but nothing really happened.
I told my friends about it but after a while I stopped. I was excited but I couldn't be anymore because the more I got excited about something the more I would be let down.
That year I was in a class with only one of my friends most of time except for one class that we all shared together.
Enters a couple new friends into the group. Seith Micheals and sometimes, not sitting at our table but in our group Mitchel and Cory.
A few weeks into the first year and I was surprisingly already friends with Seith Michaels who I've known since the 5th grade but didnt actually like. we hit it off. however one day Cory asked me a question.
"would you rather date Me or Seith?" cory asked and I looked in between them. I already understood a bit about what Cory was like. to me he was a player but also one of my old best friends, Harley, had the hugest crush on him. In response I said Seith.
Seith looked up like a deer after hear a sound. I look at him in confusion and he gives me a weird look.
"what?" he asks and I shrugged and looked back down at my notebook that I always had with me. Writings stories about My true best friend group.
Within the Story was my small but close best friend group that knew we would do anything for. It was My little sister Rachel, who was the founder of this group with her big pink eraser, Candace, who was the one that kept the piece between us, and Me, the one who had the interesting ideas.
Anyways, after that question Seith began to sit with my friends and I at lunch. we would joke around and soon I slowly was getting over my crush with Riley and found a new crush Seith.
we began texting back and forth daily. to him I was lex and to me he was either Sabrina, his fun girl name, or Seb.
we were close and he became my best guy friend. However something else was about to happen as well.... to be continued...
© Alexiehooper