

78th Independent Day
Today we are going to celebrate our 78th Independence Day....

I ask you all...
Are we independent?
Please reply politely....
According to me
No...We are not...

Wearing white or tricolour dress is not of celebrating this day...
Hosting a flag every year is not a feeling of indepencency....

A girl who worked hard day and night to fullfill her dreams is not safe at her own workplace....
A girl who was called Doctor...
It was a time when Doctors were called as God to save life....
And today the time is where we hear in Kolkata
31 years girl student was raped...
And then murdered too...
She was bleeding from everywhere...
Her father found her dead body lying on a floor with broken pelvic....
Its very shameful to even think about such incidents but this is a reality of R.G KAR Medical College and Hospital...
She was not wearing short or western clothes....
She was not found at party or in pub or bar.....
She was saving a life of people.....
She was working for us on duty....
Still she was raped...
Her sleepless nights....
Is the result what she got today?
Is this what we call humanity?
No.... Humanity includes kindness....
This is cruelty...
The monsters are still roaming freely...
Is this what we call freedom?

Freedom is when a girl a women whatever age she is who can live her life peacefully at every corner of this country.
Freedom is where parents of a girl child are not worried of her safety from the time their daughter has step out of their home still she has arrived.

Freedom is in our mind when one person needs to change themselves and starts to respect each and every women wheather she is from family or outsider.
She is a human.
Every human have the right to live.

Today on this independent day let's take a oath in coming future we will never ever make this happen again.

12 years passed for nirbhaya case.
Still we are continuing same mistakes.
Sorry not mistakes it's a crime.
To give justice to suffering family
We all need to change.
And change comes together.
Let's come together and give justice by taking oath that such incidents will never take place in our country again.

Oath for better tomorrow...
Oath to change ourselves...
Today its in Kolkata tomorrow it can be in our home...

So now time is to take action against this crime....

*Jai Hind*
*Happy Independence Day*
*Preeti Makhija*
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