

My Newfound Passion

  At 6:00 am precise, with my regime dress on, entering the passage of Turf,  a one-of-a-kind sports area, where I start my day doing exercises. One fine day to my surprise, I noticed a ball on the Turf - it was a Volleyball.
I was introduced to volleyball by my mentor, my coach Mr Mahesh Toshniwal. Coaches have the power to change our lives. And so did he.

      I was a spectator the very first day with thoughts rising high like the waves in the ocean. It is a game of intuition, imagination and improvisation. 
Here was my inner calling as I felt the bliss inside me, which was connecting me to my dad. He was a champion and had played many matches. 

I gave a video call to my dad, showed him the game- he was mum. He was amazed to see the game, and his eyes were filled with joyful tears.
He asked me, " where are you? who's playing?", He recalled his old days when he played like a champion. I saw the exuberance, the happiness, the spark in him. In a fraction of seconds, he was playing the game in his mind, and when I asked him, " where are you lost, papa?" nodding his head, he said, "nothing beta, it's nice to see you here " is all he said. I was getting curious about the game and hung up the call saying, " I will call you back, papa, after reaching home ".

       After a while, I was on the verge of calling him, and I received his video call where he was ready with a ball to show me how to hit the ball and a few exercises.  I wish I could capture this on a canvas. After all, he took a volleyball in his hand after two decades. It was the most beautiful moment for me. My inclination towards the game started forming the roots as if I am living my dad's dream now.  

The following day I was prepared to play, and my coach taught me the rules of the game and what it takes to be a good athlete. I entered a new world as I have never been a sports person apart from participating in the school sports day program.  

     On day one, as I walked onto the volleyball court, I was nervous. I was worried that I might miss hitting the ball. Negative thoughts continued to fill my mind, but all that I could see was the dream, and the day was beautiful. The coach was surprised with my first serve. He asked my husband -
"Where did she get the strength from?".
"This runs in her blood ", my husband replied. I smiled and was feeling extremely happy.

With great learning and being able to serve wonderfully, my love for volleyball grew. It taught me my strengths, weaknesses and discovered hidden talents I never knew I had. It made me disciplined and how to give my 100% to everything I do.

     During the vacation, I went to my papa's place and surprised me by planning a volleyball match.  It was a heart-touching moment as I saw him playing after ages. That day was the best day of my life as he thought of playing it back again in matches after two decades of leaving it. I was overwhelmed by his statement. It was like I had given him a new life again. What more a daughter can give her father better than this. I was living his dream again. 

     My return was full of memorable moments. But all days were not the same. At one point, I lost and missed many hits. I had tried to discover where I belonged on the team. I was thinking of stepping out, but the coach helped me here to be the best one on and off the field of play.

At this moment, I realised that there is no “I” in a team. A team is not characterised by the individuals within but rather how the individuals can come together to achieve and win. With a newfound sense of strength, I continued the game. Every single point we won felt like winning the world.  Strangely, it felt different. I felt more relaxed, more confident, and I was having more fun. 

Every word of the coach and the encouragement of my team shaped me into what I am today. And reflecting on it now, I realised for the first time that my team was behind me, ready to help me up whenever I needed.

Truly said - 
"Don't aspire to be the best on the team, aspire to be the best for the team." 

Today I play along with all men, improving my game each day with so much gratitude towards my coach, who is helping me in and out to enhance myself in-game and in real life. As he says, this game talks volumes about yourself and blends best with your team.


- Progressive Yogita

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