

Mystificational love : Rooftop version

( I still remember those eye contacts with him at every evening on the rooftop.
Those eyes in eyes and that lipbite.
Even in the night lasting breeze or wherever l go l used to found him there.)

The anxiety when for the first time we said "heyy" to each other (still hits me like an ridiculous wave)
The more we started talking, the more l started feeling for him......
(This was a new feeling for me☺)
And the feeling to apart this distance (the barrier between the two buildings) was on my head.
lucky, we decided to meet each other in a cafe( to know each other more).

(l never thought that me (a Carefree girl) who had no interest in love-shuv, pyaar-vyar would fell in a love with a guy who already love another girl)

At starting we talk about our own selves were we discuss about our background and current situation (status). Then he act out like he was more curious about my frnd and not me........
That time l felt like "WTF", dammm..! , he is interested in my frnd(Riya) not me, idiot... Without reacting anything (controlling my emotions like a hell) . l gave all info about riya. He confessed his feeling about riya and told me he wanna meet her. Here for me frndship was more important than a relationship. Me(a fool) told everything to riya and convinced her to meet that fellow. This wasn't enough for God he wants me to plan their date. They both simultaneously msg me to decide the place and like a big fuck l send them the location. (but the cherry on the cake was they invite me as a chief guest in their date).
l was like, dude..!, l wanted to be that girl holding ur hand and now l had to see u and her together. (just imagining the scene were they both are dancing, sitting next to each other l started crying.)
The question was ,will l could be able to control my emotions ? or l would be the big mess in their date?......
After crying whole night it was morning My Moto:"New day, new beginning. "
With a positive energy l went on the rooftop to have some fresh air and a cool mind set for the day but l forgot that this fellow ,"evening me hi nhi morning me bhi rooftop per padha rhata hai. "Trust me after l saw him my day spread like a "bad shitt".As l looked into his eyes l could feel like he wanted to ask something. l walked towards him a little and said, " U want to say something? He said , What she gonna wear?. for a bit l seemed he asked me. l got so jealous and in anger l said, "bikini" and ran away.
After a while we three were ready to go but the thing was they were waiting for someone. l asked, "For whom u both are waiting" and the historic answer was "For ur date of the day"........ l was in trauma
that time ( l stopped breathing) l asked them, " why, why.....me? ".ln this situation were l was preparing myself to see my love with my bestie they had created a new scenario. l really had no comments that time. l picked my bag from the car and was about to open the door till then l saw a guy entered in the car (sat next to me) and thank me for opening the door...........

To be continued........

© Thorat