

The painting was yellowed with rounded edges. It was a masterpiece and it was lying in my hand. Wait, have I stolen it? I don't remember.
In awe i stood as I view the pictures in my head, what a perfect life in my imaginary world.
Warm heart, cold hands, her eyes saw through my heartfelt emotions.
Behind the reality I left, behind the voiced I shut, I solemn promised to love this paint of art.
I have tears in my eyes, as I fear, fear of the loss of this masterpiece painting I cherish.
The soft melody touch from her hands, melted my heart to love.
No perfect love I was told, but how do I believe that, when I have a perfect painting of her in my head.
The seductive body, the scent, the warm soft kiss, her loving words.
I'm a born again in her arms, I feel the touch of a mother.
Love, lust, truth, lies, trust, doubt, love is beautiful, so is lust, truth and lies can sound alike, trust and doubts can be a war.
I believe the hearts feels real love, the mind can confuse lust for love, I watch carefully for the one who values me, for love is just a word that can be said by anyone.
I will tell you my story with an angel up in the skies someday, I will show the picture of her beauty in the air someday.
The beauty painting masterpiece, a face of the woman I love.
The heartburn feeling of missing her, the eye drop of a river.
Now I remember, there is forever together ahead of us, so I hope....
© ©Hills