

I Can't Act More...
_ " No one belongs to anyone here. The meaning is that whenever the one who is in need comes forward and keeps and fulfills the relationship with you according to his need.There is not a single one who has not been duped by the illusion light of this world. Time is passing in such a way that today's deceit, neediness, dishonesty, shamelessness and oaths do not matter to anyone ".

_Society has progressed a lot but is that progress enough for them. There is only a thin wall between the truth and the lie. And today that wall has been sold by the conscience of the people so that no one comes in front of their principles. No one should slap him on the face. A world that no one had even imagined. Let us see the world of such relationships and false appearances which tell us the truth on our face.

• Aeywat sukoon Living a life of detachment away from the world's illusions, he was engrossed in the worship of his one God. Away from people's life and away from the reach of the society. But his fate was decided otherwise because now slowly his life was changing. Sukoon , His life was very different, he would have lived in this world but his soul lived somewhere else. Very simple personality, soft tone, few and flexible words.
_ Today's youth are also like this? His life was very complicated but he was relieved that he was on the way to success. But what success? The one after which you will get a lot of money? Or will their status change? Will you give all the family members their comfortable life? And will his title increase or attain a higher position? No, his life journey is a little different from everyone else, because he was not doing work for any society or person, but he was doing work for the supreme Almighty.

• Aeywat was not relaxed from any side because neither his financial condition was good nor he had any relation with anyone. Here on the one hand his family was disintegrating and on the other his heart's relation, what a test a helpless person was in this world. He never asked anything but from someone, as if he had everything. But when we looked inside his house, there was a lesson for our society. Because father had a different world which was probably more beautiful than this world, than this house. His brother who had gone in the second wave whose flow was probably very strong and such that it was not possible to predict. The mother who had lost all relations and put all her trust on Aeywat . He had no idea that what, how and when would happen, but he was sure that everything would be fine and ease would come in his life.

Aeywat was preparing very hard for his next exam which was in the next month. Perhaps after this there would be some easy for him, because when his patience breaks, the result will not be good. When the patience of those who have patience breaks, then the whole nature gets scared. What happened again today?

Hunera ( Aeywat Sukoon mother ) - Son, how are you my dear, when you become successful and sit on the chair of a big officer and I will tell myself your mother, then I will get a lot of relief. But son, never humiliate yourself because of the dream.
Aeywat - mother, you will see soon i will make you happy.
Hunera - Son, now only you are my faith and on whose support should I see the way ahead.

Hunera put his hand on Aeywat's head and kissed him lovingly. Allah Paak bless or mercy on you with lots of success and make every destination easy .

Who can stop a son who has the love and blessings of his mother from being successful? I am proud of your love and simplicity Ammi. Just keep your loving hands on my head always. I don't want anything else.

Hunera - Son, don't mind anyone's words, they are elders, that's why they restrict us for good. And son, leave that dream of yours as well which is never going to be fulfilled!Where there is truth son, that path is very difficult and there is no expectation of whether it is right or wrong.

It is not like this Amma, there is a way and that way will definitely take us to the destination of our success, just give me more time. don't pay attention to what people say. - Aeywat

( In the second half of the night when all the creatures rest. When ease used to come from the skies for some special people, that time was probably coming or it was still an illusion. )

Aeywat asks his mother to take rest and tells her, I will study more now, you go. The relationship between mother and son is one of the unique relationships in this world, in which if a mother prays for her child, then perhaps even a strongest destiny pen erases her destiny's. The path Aeywat chose was not a common one and not the destination he wanted to reach.
In that way, before Habeel always meet like Kaabil, but now he could not understand what to do.

Aeywat Sukoon was moving towards his dream which was the horror scene of his life. Was that vision a dream or a reality in which many hands caught hold of him and were dragging him upwards by holding his neck. In the dark towards the black skies aimless only carnage. Was it ever just a imagination ?
Sukoon , They were completely different from truth and falsehood, after a time after many experiences they got this knowledge and discretion.

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