

MidNight Call of death
the phone crowd in the norm of the night. hello, Gary I just found out you have relinquished your job and you have a household that you yearn to subsidize. I was marveling how are you going to get the dough. Gray stood up how do you learn that I relinquished my job. He retorted it's none of your concerns, all you need is to forage your household right. Right now you squatting in your lunchroom, trying to perpetrate suicide. Gray inspects room by room gazing around believing possibly an invited soul was in his house, He glanced through the window but he comes to concede it was the middle of the night. wherein you learn about this explain it to me. I need to know are you at my house. He checked every room again but accomplished nothing, except his expectant wife and his young brother .the man giggled with a steed voice, ok I told you it's none of your business, now I can give you $500 if you can only do what I expect you to do instantly. At your table right now there is a fly, kill it. His heart skips a beat, sweat pours as blood slides with trembling, how can you know there's a fly on my table. Just do as I say. Gray did as he said because it wasn't a very tough thing for him to do and he wanted the currency. Immediately, the money emerges on his phone, with astonishment He murmured to himself because the call was through. Thereon ten minutes the Mysterious caller called again. I keep my words he muttered. now the second thing is that you have to eat that fly. Gray implored what? how can a man eat a fly? Coller- you want money.....! Before he finishes "I didn't say I want it in this way."
you've already initiated. you can't back out unless if you complete all the tasks. You do the tasks or you succumb now. Gray with fear he does what he said because he was afraid to lose his family suddenly he gulped the fly, instantly the money l emerged in his account again. how can you know that I swallowed it Gray asked? He lough again I told you it's beyond your power. the call ended. Gray strolled back to the bed with terror. The next morning he bought the medicine for his brother because he was having a mental illness. In the afternoon Gray went to the public place as he was commanded he saw an old lady struggling to walk he took her crashes and mocked her. It was an assignment for him to change his behavior towards society.
Gray took a deep breath he took his way back home and, suddenly he received another assignment. The only thing he was fighting for was his family. He went to his neighbor's house he took the body because he was deceased already. He cut his hand raped it with plastic and delivered it to the place that he was ordained. He enters the place and everyone was continuing on him as a doctor .he began to clarify to them that he was not a doctor, but no one gives an ear. A learner nurse strolled inside and notified Gray that the one who brings him inquired him to do It. She enlarged that the caller confirmed you to kill them all during the procedures. He thought of it. killing fifteen people, However, it was the only way for him to keep his family alive. He took two days without going home. finally, he was on his way home, thinking everything was over. the call crowd, the caller asked him to kill his family member. Gray hang the call and boosted the speed of his car and died in the car accident.
#runforlife #vigo #inspiration #soundcode
© Viola Kenneth