

Within A Blink Of An Eye
As Jack was walking down the halls of his new office he was getting tons of mixed feelings. He was confident yet nervous maybe because of it his third transfer in the last two years. Everything he was transferred he regretted taking the job of being a detective. It caused him many difficulties like put his life in jeopardy. He was just weary of doing it.

Until his seniors handed him a case that was almost impossible to solve, he was in a dilemma as he was going to his office to tell his office that he was going to quit his job but instead it backfired. He was perplexed about the decision, however, later a thought appeared in his mind that his boss must have handed him the case maybe because he thinks superior of him. He accepted the case but he wasn’t ready to face its consequences.

The case was about a thief who became famous over a period of five days. He would steal extraordinary things like popular painting and valuable jewelry and replace them with artificial ones and while leaving the thief always left a note saying, “Thanks for the valuables, too bad you won’t see them again.” Considering his attitude and his way of stealing things people Bagan to call him ‘The Jackal’. Police had tried for months to catch but all their attempts were a failure.

So the case was handed over to Jack’s agency. Jack spent hours and hours on the case. His days were busy, his nights ruined and after a tremendous amount of diligence, he found a clue that would bring him one step closer to catching the Jackal. While he was researching thought the case and going through the files and photos of the sites where the theft had taken place, he found a that Jackal didn’t realize there was a hidden camera at one of the houses and it caught the tattoo the shape of a bird on his left wrist. “Jackpot!!” exclaimed Jack.

Eventually, though one of his informers Jack discovered Jackal’s address and left straight for his home before he escaped. Fortunately, Jackal was still present before Jack and his team had arrived. They arrested him but Jack knew Jackal wasn’t the kind of guy or thief who would just live quietly in jail for the rest of their lives.

After a few weeks, as Jack feared Jackal had escaped and he left a message for Jack written on the rusty walls of the prison cell. It said, “Good luck finding me Detective Jack.” It left everyone bewildered and everyone had finally established that Jackal was a dangerous guy and can’t be found easily. They were disheartened as they had to carry out a whole new investigation to find him again. Everything ended within a blink of an eye.
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