

Dr. Lisa
Dr. Lisa sat in her office waiting for her next patient. The stress of the day weighing on her. Then her door opened and then the knot of pain walked in.

Slowly the young girl approached the chair pulled out for her. Hesitant to believe that anything this doctor says will actually help.

The knot her pain was tied into was almost tangible. She looked terrified, like she was going to fade away into herself any minute now.
"Hello there. What's your name?"

" Shouldn't you already know that," the girl answered.
Stuck in defense mode, she was reverting to the shield sarcasm gave her.

"It does say it in your file. I could just read your file, but then how would I ever get to know you."
Dr. Lisa emotionally reached out to the young girl, in an effort to untie that pain inside.

"I'm Nicky. But you already know that. So listen, I know you're just trying to help, but honestly sometimes life just sucks for some people."
She could feel the pain from childhood bubbling up to the surface. Tears climbed to her eyes, and she stubbornly smacked them back down. Like a child, she fought for her wants, not her needs.

"It might seem like the world you were born in is one that will never change. That some are allowed to be happy, because that's what they are given. When others only have pain, because they don't know anything else. Does that ring a bell?"

The young girl nodded.

"We just met, but would you be willing to accept the idea that things may not be exactly that way?"

Nicky nodded again, wiping away a tear from her eye.

"Then perhaps you would be willing to give me the benefit of the doubt, and go with me on the idea that maybe things can get a little easier? And just take each session, each day, and each moment one step at a time?"

Knowing she's going to regret this answer, she simply said, "Okay, I will try to trust you. But when you're wrong, expect a big fat 'I told you so' in bright sparkly letters."

Smiling, the doctor said, "I will hold you to that then. I'm looking forward to our sessions."

© Katie kay