

The Vaccine
I got the Moderna Vaccine today.

I prayed and asked God what to do about vaccinations. God wants us to participate and be vaccinated. God is always helping us and moving with us in every action we choose, but it is our life and path to live and walk. We must act and Choose. Its through our actions that we manifest with God as co creators. God will not walk it for us. But as we choose and act God moves and acts with us. We are very much responsible for our actions. We can be hands for God. We can heal the unconsciousness of humanity, and all the results of unconsciousness. The choice is ours. Do everything in your life in faith and prayer. Align with the will of God. The way to overcome these challenges in our lives is through faith filled actions where we move in Grace WITH God. The way to avoid such challenging life lessons is to move in Grace with God.

As dictated by our Spirit Guides and my Higher Self
Light and Love
May the Peace of God be With You

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The image is used with permission Photo by Aamir Suhail on Unsplash

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