

There once was a lad who was generous to the bone and would give his remaining dime to a homeless woman saying "A dime may not be much, but the thought of it will pile in your heart" This man was a good man but even he had flaws. Yesterday while walking on the sidewalk he saw a woman shivering in the cold and he wanted to offer his coat and be generous but then he would be cold, instead he gave her money and said "Next time wear real clothes instead of a skirt." Got slapped for it...But it's not his fault the woman was a hooker trying to reel in the next big fish, He was a generous and blunt man but his job paid him to be cold towards people and be a model. He hated his job but when the cameras weren't looking, He could give a hug to a young fan or give his hat to the fan mother and respond with "Always make sure to keep that child smiling for me" It's all he ever asked for...Was for his fans to smile and never stop regardless of how he acts in front of them.
© dawnfaith