

The system has already been un-balanced. System have more expectations from women than men.

Women should earn, women should look beautiful, women should give birth to child, women should take care of her health, women should look after her family, women should always listen, women should be career oriented and there is big list of expectations.... These are all just expectations(hypothetical), not reality(point to be noted here). Society already made so many illusions in individual minds. People are running behind those illusions to make them real. They will run after till their life ends, and this is happening from past eras and it will going to be happen in future.

So what people should do, first of all, let clear those illusions from their mind and start thinking on their own, what they feel is good for them, and really make them happy. Individuals should never follow society's illusions, they are their own life creator and survivor, they should find their own path of happiness and walk on that till the life ends.

After considering all these points, what comes in my mind. Marriage is the most unbalanced and in-equal relationship in today's time. Why would I consciously put myself in such unbalanced relationship, when I already know the consequences.

To suffer like others??????


Am I fool??????

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