

Miss Right Part 10
Del woke up in the safe room. He assumed that Steel would be outside. He was correct. The man was REALLY good. He found himself wishing he'd had him on his payroll. He could get away, but he decided on another course of action.

After getting dressed, we went down to get a taxi. He had it take him back to The Crow. That should confuse them a little. He needed to get some room to breathe.

Steel would be confused now. Hopefully. Or he'd break into the apartment. That seems more his method. No need to plan for now. There was a message on the radio in the taxi.

"Cut the meter and bring the car in."

"Well, Stu", Del addressed the driver, "Seems our friend took the bait."

"Indeed he did. What should we do now?"

I'm still going back to The Crow. This should today Demetrius at least a little. Steel can't even follow one aging old man."

"Just be careful sir. You seem to be starting to enjoy this. You always told me the game was addicting and I know how hard you had to work to get out. "

Del's moment of not lessened as it sink in that Stu might be right.

"You know, Stu, I'm glad you don't charge your wisdom. I don't believe any price would ever be enough."

"Thank you sir. I'm here for you as always."

Del considered himself lucky to have all of his people.

"Let's switch cars and get back to the safe house. I need some information and I think Kari might have more answers than she realizes."

Del had a hunch but he needed more pieces of the puzzle. Reactions were much more telling than words.


Steel got into the apartment with ease. There's no way that old man was up to anything. He may as well left the door unlocked. Then again, he had no idea that someone professional was trailing him. He checked all the major hiding places. There was nothing. Some books. A couple of receipts. A lottery ticket. A bottle of expensive bourbon but it had most likely been a gift. This entire thing has been a bust. From The dirty underwear on the bedroom floor to the crossword puzzle book in the bathroom.
There was nothing here. Demetrius would blame him. He always did. Steel was actually tired of being treated like a fool. He was a not low brow. He was a high dollar tradesman. As he left the apartment, he thought about how great it would be to make Demetrius pay for his condescension. That made him smile as he closed the door.


Kari and Martha had just finished a game of Scrabble when Del walked in. He was out of breath. He'd had Stu drop him off a couple blocks away. There was an underground entrance from there and he had power walked the whole way. Still not taking chances.

"I'm sorry I've been gone so long. People had taken an interest in me and I thought it best for all of us if I avoided the attention."

Martha's smile cracked.

"It's ok. They didn't follow me. They think I'm a doddering old man for now. Demetrius is pretty clever thought. He will notice me eventually. For now, it's in out best interest to find out what he wants with you, Kari."

"Wait. Me?? I'm not even from this town. Why the hell would he be after me?"

"You see, I've been wondering that as well. You're very innocent. I'm assuming he might be trying to use you to hurt someone. Maybe a relative. A father? An uncle? It's the only thing that makes sense. Unless Demetrius has designs of a more physical nature. I doubt he'd openly pursue anyone. It would be like putting a target on your back. Since he had already planned to kill you, it's safe to say he considers you a useful tool. What can you tell me about your family?"

"There's nothing to tell. My mom raised me on her own. My dad had left to find work and never came back. Him and my uncle. I never really got to know them. I saw my uncle one time after that but he didn't know where my dad had gone."

"What was your dad's name? Or even your uncle? Maybe that would help."

"I never knew my dad's name. Everyone called my uncle Scrappy. I guess he used to love fighting."

"Scrappy?? Are you sure?"

Del became very serious very fast. That was a name he knew well. It couldn't be a coincidence. There'd never been another Scrappy. Del had had a few run-ins with the enforcer. That's even before his time as boss. There'd been a few groups back then, but only one that kept a Scrappy. Scrappy was also the brother of the boss. That means Del was most likely correct. Kari was the daughter of Steven the Fist. He should've known. He could see it now. Steven had worked for him.
Del wanted Steven to take over when he retired, but Steven had been gunned down.

The story went that Jimmy the Seal had found out about Steven taking over. Jimmy sent gunmen to catch him at home but had taken out his wife and child instead.

Steven went crazy. He was determined to do as much damage as possible. Steven and Scrappy assaulted Jimmy's compound. At the end of it all, Steven had bled out on scene. Scrappy escape but was seriously injured. Del had already been listed as dead so he wasn't able to help. Considerable damage was done to Jimmy's underlings. He never recovered from it. That's probably how he ended up an easy target for Demetrius. Most left him alone out of respect for Del and Steven. Demetrius didn't give two turtle shits about anyone.

Del was reeling. He never expected his past to get this close to his front door. Now, what was he going to do?

"You can't blame your dad, child. If I had known you were still alive, I might've found you sooner.*

They'd been watching the emotions storm across Del's face, but they weren't prepared for the story.

"Kari. He put you and your mother in hiding and realized that they wouldn't rest until you were both dead. He did the only thing he could do. Jimmy would never believe a rumor, but seeing Steven through caution to the wind? That was enough. He gave his life to make sure you and your mom could have a life. He had to believe you died in the attack. Yet, here you are right back in the middle. You're a target because Demetrius noticed before I did. He only had two options. Kill you. Or marry you. Either one would solidify his take over. If everyone else were to find out that you were the daughter of Steven, there are those that would instantly rally behind you to make you the new leader. "

"I'm no leader. This is all too much. It can't be true. My mom said my dad left to be a farmer. To make a fortune to support us. And he was killed. For me. And my friends at the bar. How many others have to be hurt for me? This is too much…."

Kari had been fighting back tears. She walked into the next room trying to stifle them as Martha followed her in to comfort her. Del needed to act quickly. Something would eventually go wrong. He wasn't ready for it. Time was already moving too quickly.


Steel walked back into the club. If he was being honest, he preferred it to be called The Crow. Demetrius had changed it to The Pelvic Buffet. What a dumbass name!!! Steel hated everything about Demetrius but he enjoyed getting paid.

"There you are." Demetrius headed his way, "I was beginning to think you were beaten by an old man and had skipped town."

Steel wasn't happy to see him.

"I was following orders." Steel wouldn't let himself be taunted any more today. He was pretty agitated.

"Well is there anything new you can tell my from your observations of him?"

"I can tell you that boring ass old man fell asleep early."

"And that helps us how?"

"That's kind of my point. There wasn't anything to find out. Not in the past 24 hours."

Steel got a drink and walked away.

Demetrius stewed as he watched Steel walk away. That man was definitely a problem. He supposed he'd have to deal with the issue sooner than later…

© The Moonlight Bard