

My best friend told me
Give from your heart
Give without fear
Give without reserve
But he didn't tell me
Behold, giving brings great ordeal

So is my story
Of a giving
That brought misery and pain
Woe is me
I would rather give all,
Or not to give at all

Tears stream down my cheeks
As your departure dawns on me
It's a reality I can't escape
Better not promise anything
Than making me believe in a lie
You broke every word
Without shame, without mercy

You told me good things
Heaven you even gave me your guarantee
That it will be
Yet on the contrary
It was a lie

Stupid fool am I
Not to realize
Nothing lasts forever
People come and go as ever
I followed my heart
I forgot to carry my brain
I followed my emotions
And disobeyed the voice of truth and reason

Confronted by a reality of your departure
I recall
How you told me
Promised me
You'll be there
Yet you knew
You'll shatter my hopes
The pain is real
It's killing
But it's my phenomenon!

© njavwa.s.p