

The ﹰCagedﹰPeacock- Beautylies within.Episode5
After the second term exams, I and Hikma came out with flying colours. We were happy and proud of ourselves. Ever since, things changed. I got bullied by all, I couldn't stand out, they would insult me and mock me because I was wearing less fancy things. I would cry and cry because of what they did to me. My friend would talk back at them and defend me. She would advise me and ask us to move on. We continue to fight for ourselves not until a Quiz competition came up.
It was a simple quiz so everybody participated and most of us were award. We ended the last term with good results and we were awarded on our get together party day. We started Jss2 with full pride and joy but this time, the distractions grew more and more. Suddenly, my former classmates remembered I was their classmates so they would come to me and say they just wanted to chat with me. I would stupidly give them my time and they would mess it up by bidding me farewell with insults. I would be sad again and cry but my lovely Hikma was always there for me.
I and Hikma ended our first term and second term with 1st and 2nd respectively. We were so happy, We had the sense of achievement but the obstacles on our way kept increasing day by day. I never got to realise what I was blessed with until third term. We were invited to participate in a National Quiz competition. My school selected five of us to participate in the competition. The competition comprised of Chemistry, Biology and Physics. As students in the junior secondary who have never had any encounter with those subjects before, We started to practice. We never put much effort nor did we take it serious. We went for the competition and wrote the exams and forgot about it. We all never had any hope that we could win, it was far beyond our level.
One bright day, a month after the competition, I was sitted in the class with Hikma when one of my classmates; Fatima came in.
"Guess What?"
"What?" We both asked.
"Abidah qualified for the National Science Competition. "
"Are you serious?" Hikma asked.
"Of course"
Hikma then hugged me and we jumped.
Who is Abidah?
That is me. My name is Abidah. I loved and cherished my name so much. It's an Arabic word which means "The Worshipper".
Hearing this news, I was happy and a teacher came into the class to call me. This achievement changed my life. I was daughter of no body but I was hoping to be somebody. No one stood by me except my friend but now everybody wanted to be with me. I was called by the principal and he congratulated me. Before I could know it, the news has circulated. My juniors congratulated me as well as my teachers even those who hated me. I was celebrated on the assembly ground and we prepared for the next round. I did the second round and forgot about the competition. I still wanted good grade to be awarded during the year's get together.
I and my friend did the best to be the best. Finally exams was over and Get together has come. My Dad was invited to come. It was now the day of the Get together, everybody was looking shiny and beautiful. We sat in the hall and.......
To be continued
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© Dr Khushi