

First Duty!!
The last bullet left the muzzle of the rifle with a deafening bang. It took with him all his hopes of survival.
He reached for the sharp knife held at his boot strap. He wasn't going out without a fight!
He was not a fighter but very determined to protect his family at any cost.
There was no way he was going to back out without ensuring their safety.
He felt that all the power of this man was in his gun, he didn’t have a high opinion of the average man’s ability as a fighter.
The majority of men couldn’t fight at all and even most outlaws were the merest amateurs when it came to battle. Few could shoot well, and even fewer had any mind for strategy.
But he was brave without being rash, he knew how to avoided exposure without shrinking; And how to be cautious without timidity so if the fight comes unsolicited, he was not willing to die meekly or to surrender without effort.
If the choice is between being held up at gunpoint or handing over your wallet, only a madman would choose not to hand over his wallet rather than having a bullet put into his head.
But if you find yourself in a tricky situation involving not just you but your family as well then it's not just about your wallet, as the decision to cause harm is up to the man behind the gun. So the safety of all parties involved depends on your actions or inaction.
It was a bright summers evening Joe and his family were on their way back from the theatre, as they walked along a dimly lit side street with no one else around.
He noticed a guy walking towards them on the opposite side of the road, as they carried on and past this man, suddenly without warning the man grabbed hold of Joe from behind.
Joe immediately thought to himself that they were all about to die.
No sooner had the thought occurred to him than he found himself staring down the barrel of a gun which halted in his tracks. It was not a particularly accurate weapon if he remembered correctly, not that any of this would matter at point-blank range.
Joe knew right away that this was an act of deathly force and should also be meet with deathly force. He was more concern about his family and knew that quick action was required. Because they were already at the mercy of this nemisis. Who will either shoot them depending on how they responded to his demands. He was aware that he was not in charge of the situation. And so he decided he would choose how he wanted to die, and that was by fighting not cowering in front of his family like a coward.
Joe had been trained on how to disarm a gun man pointing a gun at him, he was caught up in his thoughts.
Before he fully realised what was happening, he only heard the loud bang, the man was at length as he turned to face him, he fired into the air before point the pistol in Joes face shouting, "empty your pockets now" Joe though of attempting to disarm him, but he had to make sure he had it properly played the whole scene out in his mind. He didn't want to make any mistakes and make the situation worst.
Joe tried to engaged him in conversation, by asking questions, was there something in particular he wanted. As he didn’t have any cash on him and would need to go to the bank. Joe reminisce on his days in the forces. He remembered his training not to allow himself to be taken to a secondary scene but he thought it was worth the risk based on the current circumstances. He his first duty was to protect his family and he was willing to risk his life in their defense and was conscious of their need for his protection while he gives it.
He also needed to navigate when it was right ro protect.
And so Joe waited for the guy's guard to lower or for him to be distracted, he didn’t need a gun to take him out or the knife he was banking on reaching, which was hidden inside of his shoes.
Due to his past, this would not be the first time someone had pointed a loaded gun at him, but it was the first time he had it done in front of his family. He realised that in attempting to disarm a gunman he will most likely be shot or die attempting this, but this was what his training had prepared him for.
As long as his family were safe then he would be happy with whatever possible outcome. He was good and ready for the afterlife although he was not particularly in a hurry to get there. However, if he was successful at disarming him without a scratch, he may not be inclined to allow him the opportunity to cause arm to anyone by pulling the trigger.
And so far those reasons Joe was prepared for a face off at any cost.
One which involved putting his whole family lives on the line in order to save them.
He was the protector of his family his children, his wife, they were also his life.
And so he fought because he actually felt safer fighting than running.
And only the well-being of the people he love seemed really worth fighting for now; in that moment it was all that seemed real and all that could save his sanity.
Afterall life is a battlefield, where only the strongest survive.....so what would you do?
I personally believe that our most basic instinct is not for survival but for family.
Most of us would give our own life for the survival of a family member, yet we lead our daily lives and too often we take our family for granted!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo