

Case NO. G707 ~Chapter 4
Chapter 4 ~ Just a new case got involved!

Small recap: Yukti was kidnapped by the minister's men when she was going out for further investigation. 

Aaaahhh!!.......( an extremely loud scream)

Yukti was kept in an isolated area, her hands and feet were tied up with rope. After sometime she came in senses, realized that she was kidnapped, she cut rope with a blade and freed herself  but the goons came . She bravely beat those goons badly and came out of that isolated area. 

"I don't have much time, I have to solve the case as soon as possible or else they'll kill me and the victims will never get justice. " Yukti said. 

She called Steve and asked to meet up. She asked some questions to him and got to know that his uncle and aunt were eye witness in a criminal case. 

Yukti: "Can you tell me in details about this case ."

Steve :"Ya, that criminal case took place in the year 2012. The case NO. was something B..B..Ah! I don't remember that, but there were 5 other people who helped police and they testified against the criminal .

Yukti :" OK.... this was the reason of the murder."

Steve:" Please solve this case quickly,  so that my dear uncle, aunty can rest in peace."

Yukti:" Don't worry, it seems like I have solved the case almost. See you in the court day after tomorrow."

Steve:" Wait, tell me who's the culprit."

Yukti:" I told you to not worry,  see ya!"( said with a mysterious smirk)"

So....what is going to be Yukti's next lead?

What is the secret behind a 12 year old case?

How is that case related to case G707?

To know further, you know what to do..

Stay Connected 🙂😕

© yuktika_sarkar