

What is gender discrimination?
Gender discrimination is very common in underdeveloped country. They thought that a girl child has to do household things and education is not important for her.

So there is a story about it -
Kriti is the youngest in her house. She has two elder brothers. They always
ill-treated her. They make fun of her that she can't even write her name.

Let me, tell you why her brothers make fun of her because she is not educated. Her parents not allowed her to study because of their orthodox views on girl education.

But nowadays, girls are standing beside the boys in every profession.
For example -Indra Gandhi, Kalpana Chawla ,etc.
So please promote girls child as you promote boys child.

At last, I want to say-
Be the wings of the girls but don't clip their wings.

-by Arya Gupta
St. Fidelis College