

My Thoughts My Sights

'Bolu, Bolu!' I could hear my mum calling out for me While i was in my room still grumbling over the day's incidence.

Earlier that day, I was asked by my mum to get her a powder soap.

On my way, I saw one of my friends playing guitar and freestyling with other niggas {as I like to call them} their song was catchy and I couldn't help but to join them.

We sang and sang for what seems like eternity.me on the other hand had already forgotten what I was instructed to purchase.

Many an hour was wasted singing, my mum on the other hand worried about my whereabout.

We were all taking turns in singing and after sometime, it got to my turn.

No sooner had I started singing than I heard 'twai'. An awful, thunderous slap decended on me, I could hear different pitches of two banged snares although, they were playing in my head.
I felt dizzy for a while and regained my stability.

I was very annoyed over the incidence obviously not knowing who slapped me. I turned back only to be faced with my mum's frustrated anger.

I could see her eyes shining and showing its best of anger. I swallowed nothing in particular heavily, already In awareness of the impending war awaiting me at home!

© jhaybarddaily