

THE SUPREMACY OF GREENLAND (Dark Secret of Mwingi North politics)
Located in Kimu location, Kyuso Ward, Mwingi North constituency, this solitary village named after the
third president of the Republic of Kenya, is a quite place with tranquility as the most dominant
condition. Nicknamed Greenland, it has exclusive accommodation for any soul that is striving for a quiet,
peaceful and reposeful place to settle. It is a home and a dear motherland to Mwende Mutua. She finds
it a great endowment to have been born in Greenland. She revisits its greatness every evening as the full
moon glows, illuminating the whole land with light of hope for a luminous future.
In her mind, she has a bright vision for a great transformation of not only Greenland, but also the rest of
Kyuso Ward and Mwingi North constituency. As she sits in their home compound in the evening,
Mwende looks at the enchanting landscape of the Greenland, upto the furthest view where Muthunzuu
takes over towards that small town with an odd name, Kimu. It is a beautiful land, but not everyone is
able to perceive its beauty. It can win a battle of supremacy with other villages, but non of its villagers
has the courage to take the Greenland upto that level.
Party oriented politics, that is the archenemy for the progress of the Greenland and Mwingi North
constituency at large. Elites with the ability and will to transform Kyuso Ward have been crushed, to the
extent of making the radiant acacia and baobab trees to lament in daylight at Greenland. Whoever
stands to fight for the welfare of the people through politics meets the archenemy of progress, that is
the wrath of the dominant party. Mwende glances at the little boys and girls who wake up very early in
the morning in their torn school uniforms and rush to the nearby public schools, carrying firewood,
canes and jericans of water. Some of them rush to the schools with their stomachs growling, having
missed breakfast since hunger in Mwingi North is not a choice, it is compulsory.
Poverty! It has struck Greenland and established its roots in Kyuso Ward, digging deeper and sticking
strongly in the lands of Mwingi North. The national cake has never inaugurated its taste in the lives of
the Greenland inhabitants, since it only reaches the hands of the chosen few, those who have close links
with the kingpin of the dominant party. Greenland has been endowed with a beautiful land and bright
children, but an opportunity to put that endowment into a great output for everyone to be a benefactor
is not available at all. The chosen few, the allies of the lower Eastern political kingpin, have crushed the
opportunities for the bright children of the poor so that they will never be able to reach the similar
position of economic prowess with them.

Going to school bare footed in the chilly morning weather is not an issue in Greenland. Children from
the poor families rush to the nearby public schools, and when they sit down in classes, they focus more
on time than studies. There is no way a brain will concentrate simultaneously with an empty stomach.
The children look forward to hearing the bell that indicates that the meals time has reached, so that
they can at least one meal per day. They find themselves bowing down to the children of the rich, the
chosen few, who wear new uniform every week, smart shoes and snow-white socks. When the children
from the rich families are unable to bear with their stay in the midst of the children of the poor, when
they can no longer endure the presence of torn, dirty and stinking uniforms, their able parents take
them to the private boarding schools, where they can study with their fellow rich kids. It is an awful
scenario. Even the teachers who teach at the public schools have taken their children to the private
schools, since they are aware that they don't give quality education at the public schools.
Food security is total fantasy in Greenland and the rest of Mwingi North constituency, even as one
glances at the beautiful hills of Mumoni. Mikwa and Gai hills are lamenting, the rains take too long to
shower the land, and when they do, they are very little and unevenly distributed. The people of
Greenland treasure farming, the soil is very fertile, but it is of no use without adequate water supply to
the community. Tanathi project has been politicised to the extent of making it to have no beneficial
impact to the society. It is total mystery, doom and gloom which has been caused by a long time poor
system of leadership. Whenever people aim to kick away the dominant archenemy of progress
through the elections, their democratic right is just sabotaged and crushed by the chosen few, the allies
of the political kingpin. A leader who has the aim to transform the lives of the people of Mwingi North
never gets a chance to step into the chambers of the national assembly. The puppets of the chosen few
never do serious campaigns, for they have a kingpin whom they believe has the final say in the outcome
of the elections no matter who will win the contest.
Greenland has been blessed with very bright children, who perform very well in the K.C.P.E, get letters
inviting them to join Alliance Girls, Moi High School Kabarak, Molo Academy, Moi Girls Eldoret, Kenya
High School, State House Girls, Moi Forces Nairobi, Moi Forces Lanet and other great schools in Kenya.
However, they are don't get a chance to step into the compounds of those schools, due to the financial
constraints which leave them with only one choice, to join the nearby day schools where the school fees
is much lower but the quality of education is very low. May God open the eyes of the people of Mwingi
North, may they realise that He is incharge of their lives and they don't have to bow down to the
political kingpin so that their lives and those of their children can flourish. May God give them courage
to kick away the archenemy of progress, may He protect the elites of Greenland.
Dear young people, the supremacy of Greenland is in your hands. Fight for equal opportunities, pray for
God to merge the children of the poor and the rich, pray for Him to place them on the same table, so
that even that poor desperate child with torn clothes in the bush can have their minds illuminated with an incandescent light of hope for a luminous future. When you get an opportunity, share it with your
friends, don't turn into a financial idol who wants the poor to always bow down to him/her. Don't pass
in the academic degrees and fail terribly in the societal norms degree. Associating well with your fellow
countrymen is the societal norms degree. Don't look down at the village citizens because you were
brought up in an urban area. Don't look down at the poor infrastructure of Mwingi North because you
spend much of your time in Nairobi. Let's embrace our constituency, let's fight for its welfare wisely,
putting in mind that we can never achieve a progressive path towards infrastructural prowess if we
become retrogressive in our fight. Let's do away with politics of radicalisation and polarization. Children,
embrace education, for it is the only our remaining hope in Mwingi North. Parents, do all you can to
mentor your children on the importance of our only remaining hope, that is education. God bless
Greenland, God bless Kyuso Ward, God bless Mwingi North constituency.
© Julius