

The news exploits our fears to "entertain" us, and it's truly not a service to our minds and souls. Thoughtful meditation and seeking guidance from the best parts of our nature is the best way to engage the world. No one is perfect, we struggle everyday. It's our own mind we wrestle with the most. Our need to be right counters our ability to think past our own perspectives. Any "attack" on "us" or "them" reported, which is upsetting, is someone in the media trying to manipulate our minds into an emotional response. And it works! Our good hearts bleed for victims hurt by their oppressors. Empathy is the only cure for this manipulation. A mindful approach to humanity as people - not things, victims, inhuman, demons, "them" vs "us" - is the only appropriate response. We need mindful, empathetic responses to all issues we face today as much as ever.

(Thank you Growth Group members for making me think outside my comfort zone).
© Keith Tully