

Blossoms of Time
Our days are like blossoms in several ways. Each moment unfurls like the petals of a flower, delicate and fleeting, yet rich with life. Feelings, like seeds sown in the warmth of spring, were allowed to be nurtured, tended with care. They grew, slowly at first, until they bloomed into something beautiful—something lasting.

For a long period, we held onto these feelings, as though they were roses in full bloom. Their fragrance lingered in the air, filling our hearts with the sweet scent of love, joy, and sometimes even sorrow. The petals did not wilt, for they were more than just passing moments; they were memories, vivid and alive, forever etched in our souls.

Every shared smile, every tender touch, was like a rose that refused to fade, preserved in the gardens of our minds. We walked through life together, hand in hand, surrounded by this eternal spring, where blossoms never fell, and time seemed to stand still.

But even roses must eventually bow to the winds of change. As the seasons shifted, so did we. Yet, the beauty of our days, like blossoms in full bloom, remained untarnished. Though petals may fall, their essence lingers, a reminder of love that once bloomed and will forever be.
© christian06030