

Be your own Sunshine 🌞
Be your own Sunshine 🌞
I always wonder what if we feel only happiness. Then I'll get thoughts like will it be healthier, will it be okay or are we really human if we doesn't know the emotion called sadness. May be we only feel happier because we know what is sadness, we are only laughing because we know how to cry. If sadness doesn't exist how can we say I'm happy, how can we differentiate happiness and sadness.
We are the blend of our emotions like joy, surprise, admiration, fear, horror, nostalgia, interest, disinterest, desire, satisfaction etc.
These emotions are making us more humane.
You may be in the roller-coaster of your emotions. Still shine brighter than the stars, than the sun. When you are the brightest, you'll be the light source or power source to the people around you. which in turn gives you more energy to shine even brighter.
So, be your own Sunshine & plough the world.