

Keep moving on
Every morning when we get up, we all hope that today will be better than yesterday, because as humans we are optimistic, but there are situations where we can't change,
like when problems comes our way,
we can't change it, it's jus life.
Because in life there is always ups and downs, and not one of us is living a perfect life.

Life will push you to the limit, it will test whether you can handle the problems, or give up, whether you will say, "Why me " ? Or "Try me"!
The answer you give to that question will determine what type of person you are. Whether you are a weak person who will seek excuses or whether you are strong person who will seek solutions.

If you are only seeking excuses, problems won't dissappear, but even more will come your way.
You will feel like quitting.
But if you are seeking solutions for you're problems, a time will come when those problems will seem so normal to you, till you overcome them!
© kristy ellison flake