

My Cinderella ep 10 " The bad news"
Ola was sitting in front of her laptop and sent the message, ‏saying to herself: ‏I hope he is present ‎.. ‏After a minute the computer issued a voice receiving a message, ‏so she was very happy and wrote to herself saying: ‏I have waited for you for several days ‎.. ‏So someone said to himself: ‏What do I answer her to see! ! "He wrote ‎".. ‏I was busy with important work ‎.. ‏she was amazed, ‏saying: ‏Work ‎!! "she wrote ‎..." ‏When will we meet ‎... ‏I would like to get to know you more in reality ‎... ‏and not behind the screen ‎... ‏so he said to himself with a smile: "She is a bold girl ‎... ‏This is what I like talking to her ‎.." ‏He wrote ‎"... ‏very soon ‎... ‏When She read the message, ‏her smile widened and her eyes shone.

‏The next morning, ‏the girls were on recess at school. ‏Malak said in a childish tone: ‏How long, ‏O Ola ‎!! ‏And why you did not tell us about him ‎?? .. ‏Ola laughed, ‏saying: ‏Do not be upset, ‏Malak ‎.. ‏I have known him for a while ‎.. ‏I have been waiting for him to accept that we meet outside ‎.. ‏because he is a lonely young man who never goes out ‎.. ‏Rebecca said strangely: ‏But ‎.. ‏Do you not think Online acquaintance is unrealistic ‎.. ‏Ola was ashamed, ‏quietly saying: ‏I know that ‎.. ‏But I do not know why I was drawn to him ‎.. ‏There is something that pushes me to approach him ‎.. ‏and I want that ‎.. ‏Malak said calmly: ‏But do not hold many hopes ‎..Ola laughed and said: ‏Do not worry ‎.. ‏I Ola have you forgotten ‎!! ‏Rebecca said cheerfully: ‏You are Ola ‎.. ‏the most reasonable girl in the world ‎.. ‏they laughed and then went to school ‎..

‏In the palace, ‏my father was sitting in a library reading several papers and knocked on the door calmly and said: ‏Go ahead, "An elegant person wearing eyeglasses entered." ‏What is the latest situation, ‏son ‎... ‏Tell me ‎... ‏The young man came forward and presented an envelope and said respectfully: ‏Sir, ‏this is the decision of the council ‎.. ‏My father opened it and then crossed his eyebrows, ‏saying: ‏Well ‎.. ‏left now ‎.. ‏The young man bowed a little and then left ‎.. ‏My father said sharply while strengthening the speech: ‏Training camp ‎!!! ‏Oh ‎... ‏and he looked out the big window and then crossed his eyebrows with thought ‎...

‏In a beautiful restaurant I was sitting with friends, ‏Fadi said cheerfully: ‏Ask what you want ‎.. ‏So lunch today is at the expense of Alsatr ‎.. ‏I laughed saying: ‏But do not make me hang here while I am cleaning ‎.. ‏And Malak laughed, ‏saying: ‏What is the harassment you are studying, ‏O Alster? ‏I said calmly: ‏Political Science ‎.. ‏Malak said strangely: ‏What ‎!! ‏I did not expect that you would study such a major ‎.. ‏You do not seem to be interested in political matters ‎.. ‏I cheerfully said: ‏I am full of surprises ‎.. ‏and smiled at Rebecca and winked ‎.. ‏and she smiled shyly ‎.. ‏My phone rang and answered calmly: ‏Hi Sami ‎.. ‏What is the matter ‎!! ‏Then he said calmly: ‏Where are you? ‏Your father wants you in an important matter ‎.. ‏I seriously said: ‏Oh ‎.. ‏well ‎.. ‏tell him that I was in an important job and I was on my way to him ‎.. ‏Sami smiled and said sarcastically as he looked at me through the window of the restaurant: ‏Important job, ‏Ha I am outside my friend ‎.. ‏I looked around and saw him outside ‎.. ‏Rebecca said anxiously: ‏What is the matter, ‏Alster ‎!! ‏I put my hand on her hair, ‏saying kindly: ‏Excuse me, ‏but I have to leave now ‎.. ‏There is an important matter ‎.. ”I stood and put my hand on Fadi’s shoulder.I am going ‎.. ‏he understood and he moved his head with approval. ‏I left and told the waiter, ‏as I took out the money: ‏Let them ask what they want ‎.. ‏and she followed me with her sad looks ‎.. ‏I got into the car, ‏saying sarcastically: ‏I did not know that you are watching me, ‏Sami ‎.. ‏He said while driving quietly: ‏I have to know your movements ‎.. ‏to help you when you are in trouble ‎.. ‏and I smiled ‎..

‏In the palace, ‏I changed my clothes and knocked on the door, ‏saying, “I am here my father,” ‏and he pointed to me to sit down. “What is the important thing ‎!! .. ‏My father put the envelope in front of him, ‏saying firmly: ‏There is a training camp and you should join it ‎.. ‏I was surprised, ‏saying: ‏Training camp ‎!! ‏Why ‎!! .. ‏My father said while holding his hands in front of his face, ‏saying: ‏A training camp in which many princes meet ‎.. ‏for political exchange and training on military matters ‎.. ‏And you learn these things during the camp ‎.. ‏I seriously said: ‏How long is this camp ‎!! ‏My father said while he was handing the envelope to me: ‏Six months ‎"and suppressed my anger" ‏and the travel after ‎3 ‏days ‎.. ‏I put the envelope aside and said calmly: so I do not have time ‎.. ‏I have to say goodbye to everyone ‎.. "And I stood" ‏from your permission, ‏my father ‎.. ‏He moved his head with accompaniment and left quietly ‎..

Yami was standing at the door, and I was surprised, and said, "Hey, Yami !! You scared me .. Yami said sadly: I apologize .. But I heard what my father said .. I was worried about you .. I smiled as I looked at him saying: Come with me .. and we went.

After a while, Yami and I were racing with the horses very happy .. I said, and I was ahead of him: Try to defeat me and ask for what you want .. Yami laughed while tightening the saddle of the horse: So .. be ready for what I ask of you .. and I laughed and stressed my horse belt too .. We were racing In a spacious and beautiful plain ..

After a while the sound of hitting swords was loud .. I was blessed with Yami in the palace garden, and my father looked at us from the balcony of the palace, then smiled and left, he said sarcastically, and we were fighting: This too .. If you win again, I will fulfill my request .. I said sarcastically: I have tolerated you Just ... so do not be deceived by yourself ... and Yami laughed, but suddenly I hit him and flew, Yami's sword was in the air and was surprised as he looked at his sword as it fell to the ground, saying: I lost my focus because of our conversation .. I said while I approached him merrily: The combatant should never lose focus. Come on, come lunch and you will do it yourself..and with mom too .. and Yami followed me while smiling sadly.

After a while, we were sitting on the grass with my mother and she said kindly: What caused this beautiful gathering !! .. My beautiful children are with me in a beautiful place like this .. Yami wants to say something, but I interrupted him, saying: Nothing, "And Yami understand what I mean." That is because we had not met for a long time .. Yami sadly ate a sandwich, looked at him and smiled sadly, then exchanged the same smile with me.

Evening fell, I was sitting with Yami on the balcony and said cheerfully: Tell me .. what your wish is, and I will fulfill it for you .. and he looked at me, saying anxiously: Do not travel ...I was surprised at that and saw tears in his eye, and I turned towards him and hugged him, saying with sadness: Brother ....

Rebecca was sitting with her family, saying to herself: Why did he not call me yet !! Suzanne came angry and sat sharply, saying: What is this taste? "And they looked at her" Is there a reasonable person who brings green curtains !! Green !!! They looked at each other and then laughed a lot .. She said childishly: What !!!! .. Rebecca said as she was leaving: I want to sleep early today .. Good night .. and went up to her room ..

At the same time, I entered my room and found Yami sitting with his pillow on my bed and laughed in shame and I said cheerfully: I did not expect you to come before me .. he said with a smile: This is my request .. and I lay beside him smiling and lay beside me saying quietly: Be calm in your camp .. So I smiled, saying calmly: don't worry about me .. When I come back I would like to listen to your romantic stories with Lojane .. Do not waste any time without her .. so he smiled, saying: Ok !! But when will you tell Rebecca !! .. I said calmly while looking at the ceiling: I will tell her tomorrow .. I do not have a long time .. He said, closing his eyes: Take advantage of your whole day tomorrow .. and I closed my eyes while making a sound of accompaniment ..

The sun rose and I was standing in front of the window while Yami was sleeping, and I said to myself: I will take advantage of every minute ...

Her phone rang, and she grabbed him drowsy and said, "Who is calling at this time?" She saw my picture, "H ... Slater " and she answered quickly, "Hello .. I said while looking at her balcony calmly: Good morning .. I apologize for disturbing you .. She adjusted her session, saying anxiously: There is something wrong." !! I said calmly: Go down ... I am waiting for you ... she was surprised, then turned off her phone and went out quickly

She headed towards me quickly, saying anxiously: What is the matter !! you worried me .. so I smiled calmly and touched her cheek with love and said sweetly: Do not worry, my dear ... I missed you no more .. ”And she was ashamed” Come with me .. and she rode behind me on the motorcycle .. I was driving between the two numbers of trees, so she looked around saying: What is this place !! .. I stopped and then went down and helped her go down, saying while holding her hand smiling: Come with me ..

After a while .. Rebecca was surprised by the beautiful scene in front of her .. We were standing on the edge of a cliff in front of it a wide sea shining from the rays of the sun .. Then she looked at me with joy and said: How beautiful .. and approached her slowly and embraced her .. surprised, saying: A .. Alster ..What's the matter? You worry me .. I said, while lovingly hugging her: Leave me a little ... and she calmed down, then smiled and closed her eyes ... I said to her calmly: I will leave .. She was surprised and moved me a little, saying hesitantly: Are you leaving? !! Where ??? .. I said while I was looking at the sea: To a military camp .. She said worriedly: Military !! .. I sat on the edge of the cliff saying in pent-up anger: Yes .. to train and it is mandatory .. and she sat beside me sadly: I understood .. how much you will be absent! ! I said in the same tone: At least six months ... a gentle breeze blew with our silence ... and I looked at her sadly as she looked at the sea calmly ... I said to myself: I understand what you are feeling, my dear ...I did not hold myself, and I pulled and hugged her tightly to me, and she closed her eyes, and her tears flowed pain on her cheek ......
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