

At bootcamp...
Saturday night about the usual time I went to the pond Sam was out of town so I got undressed and just dove in. The water felt so nice cooling my entire person mind, soul spirit and body. I swam for a while with thoughts of Sam as I swam. I'm not a very good swimmer but I'm good enough not to drown. When the cat's away the voice said it was Sam and I was completely naked.
What are you doing here everyone said that your father passed and you were off until after the funeral. How long have you been here I asked, long enough to know that you are a good swimmer.
Sam walked over to the bank he had on very thin white pants and a long white matching shirt very slinky I thought. Don't stop on my account he said I'm enjoying watching you relax it's like you belong in there. I was just about to get out I've cooled off now.
What are you doing here I asked again it's after 11. Sam didn't answer but said why are you always alone. I'm a very unliked person
it's well shown so I stay to myself, hand me my towel please I said. I rather stay to myself
that way I don't have to change who I am to please others. Sam gave me the towel and turned around so that I could get out and get dressed very respectable I thought.
After getting dressed I walked over and sat down on this big fallen tree by the pond for a while we didn't say anything just looks. You didn't answer me, Sam walked to the backside of the log and sat down still not answering me. He put both hands down on the tree for weigh and just looked the other way. Why are you he asked still looking off in space. I like nice things a place where I can be me without having to faze into something I'm not. I stay me with the one in my head my thoughts don't change me and for a long time they didn't even have a face.
In my head I don't have to be anything but who I really am just me. And my thoughts are nice and I enjoy spending time with that thought of person. Here I can be alone with everything I want in my head my friend my lover my whatever, whenever however I desire and alone their face didn't matter. By now it's was about 4 and I just wanted to leave because I was getting sleepy so I just got up and left without saying anything I didn't even look back.

© "Cloud