

Notes: Thanks for reading, sorry for some ungrammatical errors and typo words.

In her dreams he was her perfect creation.
Gege days ang story ng ferson, kacornyhan

Sirigues leaves begin to fall to the ground, giving a sign that different matters will meet. Do we really meet folks because it is destined to happen or it is purposely or it's because of our choices, expectations, what ifs and circumstances? What a tricky world, it is up to you what you are going to believe in, but everything might be right at some point.

She always wanted to have a matchless story, but she is still dreaming of experiencing the usual fantasy. What a paradox? Tired of hearing, seeing and reading almost with the same setting, but still deep inside indulging the same scene. Everything is not new, but still can create a different story with those common scenarios.

Everything started with the single text of "How are you?" they weren't friends, just acquaintances, but in her dreams he was her perfect creation.

Too fast to say ''you're the one that I've been waiting for", but not sure if he can prove his words. She was so naive to believe in his fairy floss words, but she's a teenager with principles that she hardly breaks.

"Can I court you?" He asked him, she has liked him ever since she saw him. It was her first time to express her feelings to someone, she used to be silent and kept everything to herself.

2:22pm the time when she checked her phone waiting for his message. It was November 22, 2222 he went to her school, because he wanted to court her in person. She always thought she would feel ‘the butterfly feeling’ when she saw him, but it was nervousness. When the guy went down on his vehicle luckily the rain started falling down and it saved her from the embarrassing scene. Instead of talking to him she ran away home and said "I'll go now" with a smile”and he smiled back.

Everything went okay. She explained her side through text, he understood it. She didn't reject him nor answered yes, but the guy wanted an easy girl, he was indeed impatient. "I was bored, that's why I had been chatting to you" she received a message after several happy days and conversations that they had.

It was a painful moment for the person who expressed her love for the first time to someone. There were several people who tried to approach her but she ignored them and she made an exception just for him. This girl is a conservative one, naive to the situation she was facing, but she has this stubborn, and a bit possessive side, she doesn’t accept defeat. A selfish one, she wants everything that she was invested in will alway go to the things she always wanted to happen. "Let's meet at the cemetery on Saturday '' she replied, deep inside she just wanted to enjoy and win the game that he started. The guy replied back "Sorry, I was just being carried away, I thought I was just wasting my time on you. BTW What time?"

When both of them arrived at the cemetery's entrance on December 2 at 2pm, everything was good. "So It's a Yes?" he asked and she nodded, but added this sentence "But not now, might be next month", he looked so upset and couldn't accept the answers. The girl added "Can we be in a relationship, but at the same time we weren’t, like we're friends but we’re more than that, you already knew I have a bit of strict siblings?" He nodded and said "Can we go now? I still have a church day at 2:30" and tried to hold her hand, but she was too fast to move it away and he respected it. They talked on his motor while riding it. She felt a bit awkward, so she sat almost on the edge. He told some of the funny stories about himself to make her comfortable.

Maybe every relationship was just happy in the beginning, she almost forgot that she just wanted to ride the game that he started, but from the beginning her love was pure. At night her conscience was driving her crazy and she prayed, because she doesn't know what she's doing and going to do. Therefore she decided to take the relationship seriously and whatever be the consequences she's going to take it.

Her siblings don't know about that guy. She is a person who doesn't hide any secret from her family that makes them trust her the most. She's a good sibling and child that everyone knows

December 12 she went to the City for their church's special event. She almost forgot about him, maybe she was not committed as he is. Days after when she arrived at their place, in their house, she felt that she might be an irresponsible girlfriend slash friend, so she asked him to meet up at the park before their first class.

"My family already knows about you. They want to see you and I want to meet your family too", he said to her and she doesn't know what she is going to do. Her class adviser saw them in the park and she said "My teacher saw us" and he replied "She's my auntie". The redness on her cheeks couldn't hide, on that meet up the one set apart rule never forgotten, of course.

However she is too shy and afraid to tell because it's her first and one thing for sure it was not expected of her family. There is a feeling of doubt deep between her mind and heart "What If he'll dump me, because his parents don't have a problem with him having a girlfriend— because he is a guy. He can have a girlfriend and change if he wants to". Relationship is way better if you're not keeping it a secret from those people you have always been trusted on. She's willing to risk and eat all of her shame.

"Can I tell you something? I don't want to hide, I respected you from the beginning and I want you to know what I've been doing inside and outside the school. What if I have a boyfriend, won't you guys get mad at me?"

"So, who's this guy? Is he your classmate?" my sister asked

"No, we don't go to the same school, but when we were in 6th grade we did. He's Fred the nephew of George Zane"

“Well, it’s fine for me if you wanna be in relation with someone, you are in the age to make a decision regarding that stuff, but I don’t know about our elder sister. You must ask her permission, not mine”. Hearing her sister’s reaction makes her shiver.

After 2 weeks that they owned the days they ended their relationship, but she thought he’ll wait years after they turned eighteen.

She keeps sending messages to him like a disparate one. December 22 in the same year, might be there's a curse with that even number. They were able to see each other with the glimpse of an eye. He was walking while she’s in the tricycle, but you can clearly see the sadness and madness in his eyes.

After months she moved to a different city and studied there. They still had a short conversation, just a friendly one. Years have passed and she became more mature in her perspective regarding love, she doesn’t even know if she was in love back then or a mere confusion that resulted from her perfect ideas about him. However, in the tiny chambers of her human chest, there’s always a little space for him. That feeling that she couldn’t understand also results in her not wanting to have anyone else. She does like him and be with him in her ideas, but in reality she deeply resents him.


© ugma