

It all happened with positive attitude
Two men named Ahmed and Farooq, were left on a drowning island surrounded by hungry and angry sharks. Both of them yelled, cried and prayed to God saying
"Oh good Lord! Please help us. show us the way out or send someone to help us. You are the only one we can take help from."

After a few prayers they realised that the island was shaking. Terrified, they looked around and saw two of the heavy rocks from above the cliff, rolling towards them. Ahmed and Farooq both jumped away in order to save their lives. Farooq ran and jumped away from the rock and was able to save his life, whereas Ahmed lost his left hand in this incident.

Ahmed's hand was bleeding heavily and so, Farooq helped him with some of his first aid techniques. Instantly a couple of thoughts struck Farooq's mind and he stopped for a while as if he was frozen at one point. On Ahmed's continuous efforts, Farooq replied in a frightening way
"Hey Ahmed! Don't you know that blood is in itself an invitation for the sharks to come and attack? Your blood' s smell would invite sharks to come and attack us. What's going to happen now?"

The moment Farooq completed his words, he yelled
" Oh Lord! We asked you to save us and you gave us a new problem."
He continued his complains when Ahmed screamed.
"Hey Farooq! Come here and see how God helped us. Look at those sharks. We are finally free from being scared of those creatures of God. Come here and look. Hey! come fast"
The moment Farooq heard that, he stopped complaining and ran towards Ahmed where he saw that those sharks which came because of Ahmed's blood, were being injured because of those rocks which took away Ahmed's hand. All this scenario made Farooq think about all the complains he did.

A few hours later a ship came to their rescue and after seeing the condition of the island, the ship men were astonished for Ahmed's and Farooq's survival. The moment they reached their land, Ahmed kept his hand on Farooq's shoulder and said
"Hey buddy! Remember whatever God does, does for a good reason. Look we asked God to help us and so, now we have reached our land safely.

Farooq asked curiously
"But then what about your hand?"
Ahmed after listening to his question, smiled and replied
"Think about it Farooq. If I wouldn't have been injured how would those sharks come near us? And how was it possible for the sharks to run away and for us, to get rescued easily?"

Realising, Farooq replied
"Yes bro! you're right. I now understand that what Allah does, does for us and our betterment. Thanks dude for making me realise this."

And so, they both walked and followed their own paths but their belief got stronger each time that no one can understand God's planning nor can anyone think of something better than that.

© Sakina