

dragon head the hero that you never wanted but the hero that you have episode 2
the sun was up everything was normal
the man who laughed at the paper walked into his apartment a little girl ran upto him and hugged him saying dady your back home! yes it was his daughter charlotte and you might be wondering who is this man well his name is dan he is living with his daughter and wife in an apartment but his family never knew that he was the masked hero of the night, his wife lisa then said why were you late and did you see the papers? dan replied yeah i saw the paper it was a about that guy in the mask right? lisa: yeah crazy huh? and could you not go to work tommarow night cause its gonna be best parents day at school i dont know why it was at night but you'll have to come
dan: yeah sure but I'll have to go to work tonight ok!
lisa: yeah sure!
dan:hey charlotte lets go to the carnival
charlotte:okay daddy im just gonna get dressed okay!
dan:okay sweetie
after they went to the carnival it was night time dan dropped off charlotte at the apartment with lisa then dan put the dragon head on and flew through the sky in the night what happens next? well find out in the next episode

hello and thank you for the support if you just drop a heart for me i will continue the series

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