

The sounds I heard
It began on the night of my tenth birthday. That's when I started hearing them. There voices could send chills down anyone's spine. There were multiple yes, but there was always one that stuck out the most. It sounded like a boy with a deep but raspy voice. Yet it was also calming like the cool Nile. When I turned eleven, I could see them. They followed me around. They spoke words of sorrow to me. They inspired my stories. I continued to listen to them. When I turned twelve, they started fading. The ones that I once heard began telling me tales of joy and happiness. They told me to forgive them. Forgive them for what? When I turned 13. They were gone. It's only been a month, but their voices will never leave me. They spoke words that will stick with me forever.And now, I am one of the voices you may hear.
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