

shadows vill-part 5
And so I continued on, and I spoke into my recorder, the windows all betten and battered from a times of it's old like something raided the rooms of it's torn open for all to see I said to myself, the half broken widows move by the flow of the blowing wind as it moves back and forth like someone is moving it hard in my sight. As I grip my recorder my eyes widen big a certain feeling came over me of creepy felts all over my mind and body, I turn around real quick to see who's behind me, there was nothing there but the scary part was I knew I was being watched somehow I knew, the falls leaves flutter on the ground next to me into a circle I continued on walking, the ferther and ferther I walked into the middle of the town in it's large big it was like the grey cloudy clouds where hovering over my awaited wait as it's dark cave over me like this day in my moment was prepared for me in my way.
And the first time in my life I felt a little spooked, but just a little I didn't feel like getting away from the subject bof the matter only because I was here to do a job. Walking down a alley way with trees and woods of spicky thorns and sharp looking twigs that looked like black scary hands from its shadow of dark stapled on the pavement of the walls I past.
Thinking to myself as I spoke into my recorder at one point in time it looks as if there were a group of Seville people that lived here in some time as I couldn't figure out it's date in its place.
Going through thinking possible events biny head about what could have happened here, I slowly started losing my mind a little myself and I didn't even realize it.
© she licks my heart's desire