

The only keys to success
Confidence, self-obsession and self- love.
This are the only keys to live in this world. Love the way you are... no matter how fit you are or how skinny you are, no matter how dark you are or how fair you are. You are beautiful in your own way. No one can judge you.
Live the way you want. Study the course you wanna study. You have to live the life, you have to fees yourself and your family. Hundreds of people come and leave they give you knowledge on how to live YOUR life what course YOU should study. Ignore them. You don't have to listen to what people want you to do. It's your life. Don't give the string of your life to someone else.
Don't think about you are oversized or you look malnutritioned...you are perfect in your own way.
Be confident of your looks, of your work, of whatever you are doing. Confidence is the key to your success.
Love yourself. Loving yourself attracts more people towards you. Being obsessed with yourself you don't need anyone else in your life to live you.

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