

If You Want To Be Happy

If you want to be happy in life first don't keep on finding unnecessarily fault in others because that is the only way when it is really good.

Somebody down everybody down have their own moments of up and downs, and every one wants to go their own way no need to get angry or feel frustrated, because U go your way.

I have seen in life true love is hard to get but if you have got, be blessed that God is kind to you and your Karma of your past life is what you got in this life.

If you want to be happy let go of things you cherish the most because when you loose it or them you become sad, so letting go of something which you cherish the most it shows an element of sacrifice in yourself a sacrifice which is most important to you than to any one else.

If you want to be happy learn to love Unconditionally but it does not mean you need to love someone who is abusive violent or who does not have sympathy or empathy in life.

If you want to be happy learn to give the happiness of giving unconditionally without any reward for yourself is true bliss.

This is a quest which I personally striving day by day trust me,sometimes I do find difficult in following the path which I have mentioned above, me also a human like any one else but I have always strived to reach my goals, inspite of all the obstacles and my own personality.

I sincerely own a lot to my Darling Wife, Lover, Friend, My extreme Critical Observations comes from her but for her I would not be what I am today. Darling Lalitha.

I am happy today because SHE has stood by me guided me and I'm also thankful to MAHADEV because he gave me some BRAINS to listen to her WORDS and THOUGHTS.
To be happy 😊 have gratitude in all the good or bad which has passed and happened. Only then you will value your life and others too
@M Krishna Bangalore

© M Krishna Bangalore