

Sometimes the story remains incomplete, whether it is friendship or love, whether it is complicated or hidden, it is good, we do everything that we think no one else has, we have given all our efforts but Maybe even those efforts go in vain or we lose the things we wanted to do, we find out that we don't want to but at that time it seems that we have done something wrong or hurt ourselves the most but there is one thing that hurts. But things are taken care of or it is time, we never know the value of it, but when something happens to us, we think, how can we live that moment, but then we find out what is the value of time. Every thing in me or at this time gives healing to all our things or most importantly we get hurt when we expect something from someone or that thing does not happen depends upon sometimes by situation and sometimes by choice or mistake of someone or That's why we are thinking that why should we expect something, no one told us not to do it or then we are going to hurt ourselves, what should we expect, that's what happened, that too, that's why just move on with us. goals and our priorities it's difficult but not impossible .
so just focus on your goals and your priorities because no one cares about you and your things you are your own shining star you have to do for your self and make your soul happy 😊