

The son that got Away
The Son That Got Away is a story that, while being tragically common today, is still experienced by far too many parents and families. It refers to the child or child-teen that simply makes bad decisions and ultimately leaves home. The outcomes of the situation are drastically varied depending on the individual, with some individuals going on to lead successful, fulfilled lives, whereas others succumb to the harsh realities of the world and descend into a life of dysfunction, danger, and delinquency.

The first step for a parent when it is apparent that a son or daughter is heading down the wrong path and is seemingly about to 'get away' is to take a deep breath and acknowledge the situation and allow themselves to process the emotions that are sure to come. It is important to recognize the emotions associated with guilt, regret, and sadness that they are likely to feel while also avoiding the blame game, which will only add fuel to the fire. Doing so can be difficult, but without this step a family is almost guaranteed to fracture even further.

Once this is done, it is helpful to not close the door entirely on their son or daughter. In some cases they need to experience the world without parental interference and will find their own way back, while in others they need to know that they are still accepted and valued by their parents and family. As long as there is a line of communication open, as well as some form of accountability, a parent is well on their way to keeping the door open for their son or daughter to come home.

The next step is to admit the powerlessness of the parent to directly control the decisions of their son or daughter. At this point, it is time to turn to those closest and most trusted for support and advice. Placing oneself in the hands of an impartial family member or professional can likely be of great help when it comes to handling the guilt, depression, and other emotions that can come with this type of situation. Furthermore, it can give the parent an opportunity to objectively look at the situation and come to terms with its complex dynamics.

Finally, it is important to always hold out hope and reach out to the son or daughter in question. Whether through letters, emails, or other forms of communication, they need to know that they are always accepted at home and could even provide the beckoning call to come back. It holds true that regardless of the length of time away from the home, a parent will always have a very special place in their sons or daughters hearts, and eventually be recognized and appreciated as such.

In summation, this type of situation is not easy for anyone involved, but there are steps that a parent can take to ensure that the door is not only opened but kept open in anticipation of the inevitable return. While it may take much longer than expected, a parent ultimately needs to remain patient and understanding, while maintaining a level of open communication and hope that their son or daughter will
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