

Why We Sacrifice Animals On Eid - UL Adha?

Do you know why we sacrifice animals on Eid - UL Adha

This practise stems from Prophet Ibrahim's (AS) devotion and submission to Allah (SWT), and the sacrifice they were prepared to make.

How it all started:

The Prophet Ibrahim (AS) experienced a dream one night in which Allah (SWT) told him to sacrifice Ismail (AS), his beloved son. At first, Ibrahim (AS) believed this was the devil playing tricks on him, and he immediately disregarded it. However, the following night, the same dream occurred again, commanding him to do the same. Ibrahim (AS) then came to realise that this was no fluke and was, in fact, a message from Allah (SWT).

Ibrahim (AS) loved his son, Ismail (AS). Yet he was fully prepared to follow Allah's (SWT) command and do as He instructed. He...