

We often get confused between self centred and selfishness. Self centred means you are taking care for yourself first, you are keeping yourself healthy & beautiful, doing works on specific time, keeping yourself well behaved, fit and active & also progressing towards success without harming anyone.
Where as , Selfishness is not like that. It is making yourself happy & successful at any cost, even if your works are harming someone.

At present time, Self centred people not only help themselves but also they can provide a better future for the society. As you know people who love themselves can love others too. Actually they know the importance of giving Love & becoming Loved. Self centred people feel happy when they do something good & beneficial for others with keeping their consciousness intact.
Frankly, self centred people can accept their goods & faults both, because ultimately they are analysing their way towards Success.
In case of Selfish people, they always have only one thing - Profit, whatever the cost is. They don't want to think for others because they feel if others will put their opinion, then his/her work can be slowed down.
I know you will say now "It is so easy to comment or write on this topics, but hard to adopt."
No my brothers & sisters! Human is human not for its body only. A human can change manything if he/she wants, either for good or bad. And every human always has at least two choices, but the problem is "We feel comfortable with just what we can see within our straight eyes."
Most of the People don't want to leave their comfort zone, but this comfort zone destroys you from inside, without your knowing.
Change is always possible, but it's You only You have to believe first that "I am fed up with my boring tiresome life, I need to change." And your first step towards change is already completed.
© mainak