

Beyond grateful for your life, my Paul 🍃
It's three years ago when I met you. I never expected that an introvert who's not that very friendly will allow herself to share her life with you. But honestly, at first, I don't know what am I doing because all I know is I am loving the feeling of being included and seen by someone. I'm not comfortable but I choose to stay because I encounter the care and love of God through you.

Your random and very timely "kumusta ka?" in the midst of unpleasant situations; your patient that is evident on how you listen to my on-repat life updates (b'coz even myself is tired of those stories haha); your simple "good job ka" whenever I feel like I'm not doing good and my self-esteem is in the lowest; your honest and biblical response to my sponty questions about life and such; your way of guiding and leading me to be the woman that God wants me to become; and your extra miles for the Lord that I've seen when you are serving in the ministry especially that day when I saw you giving to the students the invite cards for youth service in the street ... these are just some of the things that I admire in you and I just thank God that He gave me the privilege to witness you doing all of these. Far beyond that, I am grateful that He entrusted me to you when I was just starting my walk in Him.

It's been almost three years and as I look back, a lot of changes happened. I gain new knowledge about Christianity; I learned to be not afraid in stepping out of my comfort zones; I finally said yes to God's call after denying it for years; I am now leading young peeps to Christ that I never see it coming; I can now handle my emotions and thoughts in a right way; I can say that I grew up and become more mature compared to a woman that you met 3 years ago.

I have met new people and new ates that helped me grow in Christ too (I am super grateful for their lives too) but I just want to take this post as an appreciation to the first spiritual ate [leader] who invested too much in me. Who first believed in what God can do to someone like me.

Thank you for teaching me to run to God first before running to you; for pointing me back to Jesus and in His Word alone; for not baby-ing me hahaha; for showing me how to respond in everything [— Love at the forefront]; for allowing me to witness how you maximize your season by being all-out for the Lord during pre-pandemic. And know that whatever season you are in right now, I am with you — fighting with and for you in prayers just like how you are to me since day one.

Yes, who I am now is a canvas of God's grace and I believe that it was also because of your obedience and love for God and for His people. No matter how many people I met, I will never forget the second person (next to my mother) who believe in and guide me in my journey with God.

This I am sure of, I am not just writing this as Charlotte who I am becoming now but as who I am 3 years ago.

Thank you. I appreciate you, my Paul.


"Remember your leaders who taught you the word of God. Think of all the good that has come from their lives, and follow the example of their faith."— Hebrews 13:7

Don't forget to honor your spiritual ates and kuyas (Paul — leader, mentor, coach, pastor, campus missionary), TIMOTHY.

Leaders, thank you for not giving up on us. Your labor will never be in vain. Continue; 🍂
© ceewrites